I'm terribly disappointed in the CBC.
I spent a very pleasant (and totally free!!!) day and night at the snooty Sheraton Hotel in Toronto and then got to come home to see Johnny Depp's new movie. It was a good couple of days.
Neverland is fantastic. I laughed so much, and cried just the right amount. It was a quiet sort of movie, and Depp was wonderfully understated. There's something about his eyes that can just make me giggle hysterically, and not even be sure why I'm amused. The little boys are all amazing, and I'm suddenly excited to see Charlie and the Chocolate Factory just so I can see that little boy again.
And then CBC killed my buzz ded!!! Their reviewer, who I normally like, called it humourless! Humourless?
It just makes me sad that he didn't think it was funny, when there was a packed theatre laughing and smiling and 'awwing' and crying, and now so many other people will be deprived of that because stupid reviewer guy didn't get it. *kicks him in the shins* How can you not laugh at the evil Prince George, and the "it [read: your crappy play] was remarkable, wasn't it?" And the playing. Everyone should be forced to play pirates, at least once in their life. Pretend is just so much fun. *gazes off into distance, mindlessly murmuring 'Uncle Jim' over and over again*
In other words, CBC is wrong and everyone should go see Finding Neverland.
p.s. I really don't get how you buy an island, though. I mean, wtf?