New Fact: In 1958, more teenagers gave birth than in 1998. The only difference is that in 1958 more of them were married. At least, according to
Myths and Facts on "Fatherlessness" This
Intelligence Test thinks I'm smarter than I actually am. I'm tricksy like that.
Stephen Harper Said is a Liberal designed site, so [insert grain of salt here]. However, all of the quotes are things he's actually said, with good content.
Parlant des liberaux, leur site officiel est ici.
Liberals Aussi, les NDP ont un site tres belle, avec un grand photo du Jack Layton ici.
NDP Si vous voulez, vous pouvez lire le site des Greens ici.
Green Party Il regarde tres cool, comme un des avertissements d'ipod. Ironiquement leur site est jaune, pas vert. Weird.
Et finalement, on peut trouver les Conservatoires,
Tories ici.
Yeah, these are basically distractions from the fact that there's a FEDERAL ELECTION on right now and I. Can't. Vote.
Please, Canadians of legal age, exercise your democratic rights and Vote! I don't care who you vote for actually I do but I don't want to tell you who to vote for since I think that's illegal just VOTE. Politics are exciting. Politics affect everything you do.
Do you breathe? Then vote! Because the government can help regulate cleaner air.
Do you drink water? Vote! The government creates the regulations that keep us all from another Walkerton.
Do you have a doctor? Vote! Because the government is in charge of the Health Care system.
Do you have a car? Do you take public transit? Vote! 'Cause look, government again!
I am so jealous of every person going to the polls right now. I want to vote. I can't wait to vote.
Please, General Populace! I have faith in you! Vote for yourselves, for your neighbours, for your tiny, tiny babies! /melodrame
I can't take the tension. I'm gonna go watch another Buffy in French. It's tres wierd. They call Xander Ahlex. Aaargh. *does dance of political anxiety*
Vote! Pleaase. *sends whine of powerlessness into the void*