ADHD: My Sat-Nav is a disability aid.

Mar 17, 2023 08:56

Since well before diagnosis, I had worked out that I find satnav disproportionately useful.

I'd use my Tomtom, and then 'google maps' for even routine journeys.

At the time, I thought it was 'just' a cognitive load thing, and by offloading some of my braining to a device I could pay more attention to driving.

Which was true. But ADHD made that more important.

ADHD impacts on focus and attention, and also short term memory.

Route finding needs focus and short term memory. But do does actually driving.

So I was finding a noticeable difference in my driving quality just by using a sat nav, because I wasn't having as many demands on my mental energy reserves for focus control.

And since starting medication? That 'gap' has narrowed considerably. I've driven without satnav since, far more than ever before, and it's been 'fine' because I've extra focus and short term memory to spare now.

But I still do use it, because even if I can 'get by' without it - like I assume 'normal folk' can anyway - it still helps for all the same reasons. 


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