free to wander and wander....

Jan 18, 2008 20:16

Okay, so my job is a lot more relaxed than my previous job... we deal with a lot less stress and crap... which means my mind is stretched out like a pair of skinny jeans after you've worn them a few times without washing them.

I've been having all these random thoughts, but then they slip away. So much so that i started jotting them down at work, so i could post them up here..


Serious issues adjusting to a normal job where I’m not on red alert…

as mentioned above... It's WEIRD. I'm always so wound up, arghh... i feel this phantom pressure and I'm not sure what to do to get rid of it...

Waiting to be cussed out for something all the time.

again. see above.. keep waiting to be told I'm not doing the right thing... and being fired cause I'm not making 5 billion sales... forgetting that I'm planting seeds.. spreading the word...

Received support today. Boss thinks I’m making good headway, when I think I’m lazy as hell.

okay, maybe this was yesterday...but still. i am being encouraged and told I'm doing the right thing..
again today. I'm making observations and asking questions (cause we sit facing each other for the moment), and he's happy about how I'm going through the back end of bluecollar figuring stuff out, and seeing that works and what doesn't.
We have a really awesome tool there, just waiting to be finished and when it is. it's gonna RAWK!

There’s some kind of weird love there.

there is.. with my boss.. it's weird.. he's like the big brother i never had.. someone to teach me things, shares interests and cares about me... When he told me the first time i went to see him, he considers himself my 'friend'.. i was like.. 'um..really?' and i'm beginning to actually see that now. The other people who work for him, don't really seem to know too much about him at all. I mean, they know what he's like, and how he's an awesome, reasonable really innovative and smart guy, but they don't KNOW about him, or his crazy adventures... I know that i could talk to him about anything, and he would help me out. It's so nice to be on such a personal level with the person who pays me every week.. hee...
I told the tall guy today, that if i smell like aftershave that's not his, it's my boss's cause we're sharing a phone... so when i use it, i cop a nose full of his aftershave.. (which is NOT bad at all.. i must say)... hah.. it's so funny...

Did i mention that he's also incredibly easy on the eyes? mmm.. suited up mancandy!

Finally got my first sale. Proper and all

i did! 2 even! we have bells in the room where I'm working with the other girls, and when anyone makes a sale, they go to the table in the middle and ring the bell, so i got to do that! twice! it was sooo awesome... hee hee.. yay...

Neil was up here in Brisbane last week training and learning about the business cause he was starting in the new Sydney office this week. Poor fella, he's down there on his own at the moment (as in, he's the only employment office employee working along side flight centre recruitment girls), so he had nobody to hear him ring his bell! He made 9 sales in one day, so every time my boss would come back to his laptop, he would find a msn message with just the word. 'Ding'...
damn that was amusing.. poor guy had to type the word to tell us he was doing well...

oh how we chuckled....

Learning industry stuff.
I am. It's very interesting. All very financial. Business related, industrial relations, it's all very fascinating. I LIKE knowing about companies. who owns who and what not. We have interesting clients... I'm enjoying everything I'm learning....

Going to be fun at the official relaunch.

oh HELL YEAH.. it's going to be HELLA fun planning everything. I hope we have a party... that would be so awesome. I'm going to make sure I'm involved with the marketing, and re-branding of my little website.
It's quite funny because my first talk with Tudor (my boss), was in his boardroom which was littered with dinosaur toys... when i inquired? "oh, yeah we're playing around with re-branding" (turned out pretty cool.... ooh dinosaurs!)

this is exciting..exciting.. i just have to get the ball rolling by handling things myself, until the relaunch... that'll give me something to do..

Bruce’s yacht fetish

Oh yeah, Bruce...i actually had to ask Bruce what he did cause he just seemed to sit in the corner and just toil away on his Mac.. Bruce is starting a few business at the same time... one being for charter yachts... He's fascinated by free advertising and marketing on the internet.
I need to tell him to start a blog... I like Bruce. It's fun watching him interact with Tudor.. these businesses are like pet project... Hobbies..

eh fuckit. might start my own.. eh?

SO excited about Melbourne..
Though i got a call. not working tomorrow... someone wrote down that couldn't work tomorrow... so I'm not down on the roster.. booo...

least i get to sleep in!

work, bluecollar

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