start: 1 January 2014
end: 28 September 2016
Health and Beauty
01. Get to ultimate goal weight.
02. Get a complete physical.
03. No chocolate/candy for two weeks (14 days) straight.
04. Get teeth professionally cleaned.
05. Keep a food journal for a month, at least six times. (0/6)
06. Drink only water for at least 42 non-consecutive days. (0/42)
07. Get at least three mani/pedis. (0/3)
08. Eat vegetarian for 60 non-consecutive days. (22/60)
09. Drink fresh brewed tea for a week, thirty times. (0/30)
10. Visit a dermatologist.
11. Complete a 5k run in under an hour.
12. Complete a 10k training program.
13. Private.
14. Private.
15. Donate blood.
Personal Improvement
16. Create an altar space.
17. Re-arrange bedroom.
18. Do not curse for a whole day, for 28 non-consecutive days. (0/28)
19. Yoga everyday for two weeks (14 days) straight.
20. Get two tattoos. (0/2)
21. Tidy flat/room at least 15 mins each week.
22. Make to-do lists on Sundays.
23. Receive AP Certification in French.
24. Gain QTS.
25. Read fifty books. (0/50)
26. Keep a dream journal for six (6) non-consecutive months. (0/6)
27. Get a pet.
28. Become a tutor.
29. Go on a trip with Random Acts.
30. Research Peace Corps.
31. Watch at least fifty (50) movies.
32. Complete NaNoWriMo twice.
33. Don't watch any television for twenty-eight (28) non-consecutive days. (0/28)
34. Go to one fan convention.
35. Write one piece of fan-fiction.
36. Finish GYWO twice.
37. Perhaps make one vine?
38. Go to one concert/symphony/play.
39. Learn to crochet.
40. Write at least five postcards.
41. Make magnets.
42. Participate in GISHWHES.
43. Watch all the episodes of one TV show.
44. Perhaps create a travel blog?
45. Stay off the phone/internet for three straight days.
46. Do ADIML at least eighteen (18) times. (2/18)
47. Donate 10,0000 grains of rice at (8420/10000)
48. Fund five interesting Kickstarters.
49. Use your bloody DS.
Life Skills
50. Finish all levels of Spanish Rosetta.
51. Finish a beginning Russian book.
52. Research geo-caching.
53. Save at least 50$US (or equiv currency) every month. (0/2200)
54. Buy nothing for 100, non-consecutive days. (0/100)
55. Finish first level of Genki! Japanese program.
56. Take some sort of painting course.
57. Learn to ride a bike.
58. Get a flat. 23 August 2014
59. Be able to make five amazing alcoholic drinks.
60. Learn to play chess.
61. Live in a hotel for a week.
62. Become an officer in a church committee. 15 June 2014
63. Make an official packing list.
64. Learn to swing dance.
65. Organise, organise, organise!
Social Skills
66. Host a NaNoWriMo event?
67. Get two pen/e-mail pals.
68. Have two dinner parties.
69. Kiss someone at midnight on New Years Eve.
70. Go to a wine tasting.
71. Take pictures in a photo booth.
72. Kiss a stranger.
73. Take tea in a restaurant.
74. Become a Couch-surfing host.
75. Host a boardgame night. 17 January 2014
76. Private.
77. Host a themed party.
78. Join 15 February 2014
79. Cleveland, OH, USA. 5-13 April 2014
80. Austin, TX, USA.
81. Chicago, IL, USA.
82. Newcastle, UK.
83. France.
84. New Orleans, LA, USA.
85. Take a cruise with my mother.
86. Las Vegas, NV, USA.
87. Boston, MA, USA.
88. Road trip.
89. Atlanta, GA, USA.
90. London, UK.
91. A piece of UU jewelry.
92. GISHWHES merch.
93. Five things from Think Geek. (0/5)
94. NaNoWriMo donation/merch.
95. Five things from Amazon wishlist. (0/5)
96. Five things from J-List wishlist. (0/5)
97. Five things from etsy. (0/5)
98. Two pairs of Sole Rebels shoes.
99. Moleskine journal.
100. Donate $5 for every goal not accomplished at the end of the 1001 days.
101. Update list once a month.
note: goal not accomplished if less than 70% of the goal was finished, or a singular goal was not accomplished.