*Melts into a puddle of goo*

Jun 03, 2009 10:21

It has been way too hot the past couple of days here. =__= The high yesterday was 84! And the weather report says we could go as high as 90 today! This is insane for western Washington. Usually, it only gets this warm on the other side of the mountains. I guess we skipped most of the Spring weather we usually get and went straight to Summer for a change? Bleh. Either way, it makes work more uncomfortable than usual. I hope it starts cooling down a little soon.

Other than dying from heat and work, I haven't been up to too much...I need to work on cleaning up around here more for nitrozsz's visit. I finally decided on what shirts I wanted at Threadless' Sale (a couple that I'd wanted sold out already, poo.) I ended up getting "Now that's dope", "Ninjas & Pirates agree: Cowboys suck", and "Meat is Murder: Tasty, tasty murder". XD Heehee, so can't wait to get those. I've also been cruisin' the net looking for potential vinyl to buy for my record player. I found a place online that has Gorillaz "Demon Days" album on vinyl, which I'm thinking I'll order next paycheck. I found a copy of Utada Hikaru's "Devil Inside" single on an LP on eBay (for a surprisingly good price, too), so I snagged that. I wish there were more Japanese artists I could find on LP...so far, the only other Japanese album I've found on LP is Dir en grey's "Uroboros" (which is okay, but I'd rather have "Marrow of a Bone" or one of their older albums on LP). Man, if I could find Hotei on LP, that would be SWEEEEEET. (Well, I know they put the Kill Bill soundtrack on vinyl, I could always pick that up, I suppose.)

Ramble, ramble, ramble. Yeah.

OH. SHIT. E3 stuff. The new Metroid game looks like it will be AWESOOOOME. I don't care if there are people who are complaining about Team Ninja working on it, I think it looks really, really cool and I can't wait to play it. SAMUSSSSSS ♥ Heh. Super Mario Galaxy 2 and the New Super Mario Bros Wii looks pretty fun as well.

Okay. Time to stop rambling and get some breakfast. XD

wtf weather, vinyl, geekery, blowing money

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