Oh, yeah, now I remember!

Nov 15, 2013 12:46

I totally remember now what I was going to write about before, but it slipped my mind because I was too sleepy. XD

So...I'm sure some of you have already heard that Animeigo's doing a Kickstarter to bring out Bubblegum Crisis on blu-ray. (If you haven't heard, well, there ya go--there's 9 days left.) And by some weird/lucky (?) turn of events (and an honorable mention to selphish), I was recruited to edit all of Animeigo's Bubblegum Crisis settei (aka model/standard reference drawings used by the animators to make sure everything was drawn consistently) to be used in the blu-ray's extras. Yup, Robert Woodhead mailed me a disc filled with over 300 images of basically every settei made for the series.

Which is honestly pretty cool, I love that I'm editing these for other fans, but at the same time it's SO FREAKIN' TEMPTING to take some of the cooler ones (esp. the character model sheets for all the various costumes and such) and post them to the Anime Nostalgia blog. ^^;; Robert didn't outright tell me "Hey don't go reposting these huge scans anywhere, ok?" but I figured that was kind of a given, considering this is supposed to be something kind of exclusive to the new blu-ray, yadda yadda...so it wouldn't be as special if I just threw the scans out there for all to see. So, I'm being a GOOD little fangirl and keeping them to myself. (I know there are probably some lower-res scans out there from some of the material books/art books, but probably not the actual settei itself, so these have been really fun to work on.)

What am I doing to them? Basically just removing all the scanlines/photocopy blotches/ect, and darkening them a tad because the original linework was kind of on the light side. Last night while I was working on some, Zack said, "Y'know, you could probably put this experience on a resume or something." I laughed and replied, "Yeah, that'll look great! 'Good at erasing marks off anime girls' butts.' "

Because, I'm not joking, that's what I was doing at the time:

(If you can somehow guess to which of the Knighsabers that butt belongs to, I will crown you an Ultra Nerd.)

Yes, this will be my legacy to the anime fandom: making sure all those anime butts look good, I guess. (And the podcast, I guess, but only to a lesser extent, lol.)

So yeah, that's kinda cool.


I seem to be having a much luckier week than previously. This makes me happy. I hope I can keep this momentum of luck and good vibes going! The only thing that keeps kinda bringing me down is that my left shoulder has been giving me a lot of problems lately for some reason...I'm not sure why. Zack's been kind enough to help me to some stretches to try to make it feel better, and just a little while ago he gave me a nice massage & put some icy-hot on it. (Ooooh, sexy old lady shoulder! lol) Hopefully it's just a case of me sleeping on it wrong and it's just taking a while to go away, because we all know I don't really want to go to a doctor just to have them tell me to put icy-hot on it and get a massage. :P

geekery, stuff that makes me feel old, rubbin' elbows with famous people lol, animu

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