I was going to make a trip into town to buy packing supplies for some of the crap I actually sold on eBay and then go to the post office, but I woke up feeling like a pile of hot garbage for some reason. ;___; I dunno if it's just really bad allergies or if I legitimately have a cold...it's hard to tell for me lately.
This weekend was actually pretty great. The weather is finally getting colder (GASP, 66 degress! SO COLD XD) and the skies are nice and clear. (It's about damn time, Texas. It's October! Geez!) On Saturday, Zack & I walked over to the neighborhood across the street after seeing a big Yard Sale sign. I assumed it wouldn't be too far away, but we ended up on sort of a wild goose chase & walked a little over a mile (oops). It was a nice excuse to take a walk, though, so I can't complain. And even though we've lived in this area like, over 2 years now, I'd never really walked around that area. I'm glad Zack was with me, though, because parts of it were a tad sketchy. ^^;; Not that I think anything would happen in broad daylight, but still.
We saw quite a few things that were actually kind of appropriate for a Close-to-Halloween walk, oddly enough...including several abandoned, boarded-up houses (spooky!). I even found a random door laying in the grass:
Door to hell, perhaps?
Also found someone who had a collection of 3 cow skulls in their front yard:
of course, this isn't TOO uncommon in the South, but still. XD;
After I took this, we also came across a black cat that gave both Zack & I the Evil Eye, but I didn't get a pic because s/he was too far away & I didn't think it'd turn out well.
I was also happy to see that our new neighbors that finally moved into the house across the street (it's been empty since we first moved in) decorated for Halloween:
I especially liked that they took advantage of having that cool old iron fence & put fake cobwebs all over it. Most of our neighbors put hardly ANY Halloween decorations up, and it always makes me sad. Halloween doesn't seem to be nearly as popular here than back in WA...everyone saves their energy for Thanksgiving & Christmas because they're ~*FAMILY HOLIDAYS*~. I've heard people here talk about how much they hate Halloween because it's SATANIC, lmao. Oh, brother.
We did eventually find that yard sale. It was kind of a bust--there were a couple of things I spotted that I would've picked up, but they wanted way too much for them. I did get one thing (that Zack actually spotted, lol):
The Millennium Puzzle! XD Haha. It's actually a handheld video game thingie (remember those?), though the batteries have long since died. I'm not sure if I'll keep it or try to sell it yet, apparently they're kind of hard to find now.
Saturday night I also stayed up chatting with
sakuya_masaki on Skype which was super fun, though I know we both kinda crashed & burned afterwords. XD Then Sunday was spent watching cheesy horror movies on Netflix, playing more Animal Crossing, and of course The Walking Dead on AMC. And one of my eBay auctions actually ended with a bidder (who paid! whoa!), so that was nice. All in all, not a bad weekend!...which is probably why I'm so bummed I suddenly feel like poop now that Monday's here, boo. ;p Hopefully by tomorrow I'll be feeling better, though. I'm gonna make me some tea & some soup, take some advil and cross my fingers that helps.