Where I relax - in a usually unmade bed, with one or more kitties. (Hence the bed being usually unmade...don't wanna be the one to disturb the sleeping kitties. XD) Usually with a book, a video game, or something similar to keep me occupied.
The meme:
And with that, the meme is done! Don't think I'll do April...I need a break, heh.
The 30th was Zack's mother's birthday, and I gave her the
embroidery I made for her. She really seemed to love it, which made me happy. (In fact, she's hung it on her bedroom door! :D) Funny enough, on the same day, I got 2 large boxes in the mail from my parents. It was my birthday gift!
I had mentioned to my mother last year that I wouldn't mind getting a standing mixer...I have to mix everything by hand with a whisk. Which isn't usually a big deal, but for things like muffins, cookies, or cakes...it gets a little more difficult. So I was overjoyed at this! It's a vintage Sunbeam Mixmaster, but it's in amazing shape...like whoever had it last just kept it in a box for years! The little white and pink dishes next to it are vintage Gooseberry-print Pyrex dishes...I also mentioned to my mom (after finding a beautiful mixing bowl with this pattern at Goodwill) that I wouldn't mind getting more dishes of this set. I was excited to get to add new pieces to my little collection.
Oddly, my mom found all of these things for me at--GUESS WHERE?!--her local Goodwill. XD Maybe that's where I get all my thrifting luck! I inherited it from her, I guess, heehee. ♥ My mom's awesome, guys.
Today, Zack helped me continue my pre-birthday festivities by taking us to the new Pho place in town. It opened up just recently, so I've been itching to try it out. I used to eat pho semi-regularly back in WA--especially in the wintertime, when it would get bone-chillingly cold out with the icy rain and strong winds. I hadn't had any pho since I moved down here, so the taste instantly cheered me up, as well as filled my belly. :9
Sooooo good! Zack had a spicy lemongrass soup, which he said was good. The food was great and the people were friendly, so I foresee us eating there again many times. ♥ Best part is that it's super-packed with veggies, so it works with my diet quite well.
My tentative plans for my birthday tomorrow:
-thrifting with Zack in the morning
-maybe have lunch somewhere while we're out
-Mexican for dinner (and ONE slice of cake for my birthday, instead of getting a whole one!)
-seeing Hunger Games either in the afternoon or evening
-presents from Zack & his mom in there somewhere XD
-New episode of Adventure Time and Regular Show!
May not sound terribly exciting to some, but I'm super pumped about it. I was also thinking about keeping my Skype open later tonight if anyone wanted to come give me early birthday well-wishes, lol. XD /dork
Thankfully, I seemed to have avoided all the really bad/lame April Fool's "jokes"...though I have to admit, Zack and I got a huge kick out of Adult Swim running "Toonami" last night--complete with old school-style promos! I actually didn't have cable at the height of Toonami's popularity, but I still nostalgia'd pretty hard over seeing stuff like Gundam Wing on TV. Ahhh, yet another reminder of how old I'm actually getting, lol...