I promise, no stupid April Fools jokes

Apr 01, 2012 20:28

Where I relax - in a usually unmade bed, with one or more kitties. (Hence the bed being usually unmade...don't wanna be the one to disturb the sleeping kitties. XD) Usually with a book, a video game, or something similar to keep me occupied.

The meme:

And with that, the meme is done! Don't think I'll do April...I need a break, heh.

The 30th was Zack's mother's birthday, and I gave her the embroidery I made for her. She really seemed to love it, which made me happy. (In fact, she's hung it on her bedroom door! :D) Funny enough, on the same day, I got 2 large boxes in the mail from my parents. It was my birthday gift!

I had mentioned to my mother last year that I wouldn't mind getting a standing mixer...I have to mix everything by hand with a whisk. Which isn't usually a big deal, but for things like muffins, cookies, or cakes...it gets a little more difficult. So I was overjoyed at this! It's a vintage Sunbeam Mixmaster, but it's in amazing shape...like whoever had it last just kept it in a box for years! The little white and pink dishes next to it are vintage Gooseberry-print Pyrex dishes...I also mentioned to my mom (after finding a beautiful mixing bowl with this pattern at Goodwill) that I wouldn't mind getting more dishes of this set. I was excited to get to add new pieces to my little collection.

Oddly, my mom found all of these things for me at--GUESS WHERE?!--her local Goodwill. XD Maybe that's where I get all my thrifting luck! I inherited it from her, I guess, heehee. ♥ My mom's awesome, guys.

Today, Zack helped me continue my pre-birthday festivities by taking us to the new Pho place in town. It opened up just recently, so I've been itching to try it out. I used to eat pho semi-regularly back in WA--especially in the wintertime, when it would get bone-chillingly cold out with the icy rain and strong winds. I hadn't had any pho since I moved down here, so the taste instantly cheered me up, as well as filled my belly. :9

Sooooo good! Zack had a spicy lemongrass soup, which he said was good. The food was great and the people were friendly, so I foresee us eating there again many times. ♥ Best part is that it's super-packed with veggies, so it works with my diet quite well.

My tentative plans for my birthday tomorrow:
-thrifting with Zack in the morning
-maybe have lunch somewhere while we're out
-Mexican for dinner (and ONE slice of cake for my birthday, instead of getting a whole one!)
-seeing Hunger Games either in the afternoon or evening
-presents from Zack & his mom in there somewhere XD
-New episode of Adventure Time and Regular Show!

May not sound terribly exciting to some, but I'm super pumped about it. I was also thinking about keeping my Skype open later tonight if anyone wanted to come give me early birthday well-wishes, lol. XD /dork

Thankfully, I seemed to have avoided all the really bad/lame April Fool's "jokes"...though I have to admit, Zack and I got a huge kick out of Adult Swim running "Toonami" last night--complete with old school-style promos! I actually didn't have cable at the height of Toonami's popularity, but I still nostalgia'd pretty hard over seeing stuff like Gundam Wing on TV. Ahhh, yet another reminder of how old I'm actually getting, lol...

kittyyyyyy, photos, fatty likes food, meme, month of photos, birthdays, i like weird stuff, my mom rocks

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