Mar 26, 2011 10:19
Last night was my first ever closing as the operator, which meant that I had to make sure the entire fitting room was cleared and such. One of the last women to leave the fitting rooms was walking away really fast, with a worried look on her face, which I thought was I pop my head into the room she'd been using, and what do I find?
Two of the pairs of jeans she went to try on...balled up in the corner. SOAKING WET.
And I'm not talking like, "Oh, part of it was wet." No. They looked like she had put them on, GONE FOR A SWIM, then peeled them off and threw them in the corner.
I don't know how, what they were wet with, or why, but SERIOUSLY?! WTF. I had to get someone to help me take them away to be defected, then I used probably an entire pound of hand sanitizer on my hands because I still had no idea what the hell was on them. D8
That was really my only bad/weird thing for the day yesterday. Apparently, up front at the registers, I missed a woman using fake coupons today. She supposedly picked up over $2,000 worth of merchandise and after all her fake coupons only paid $20-something. x__x Then we had 2 more women stay until 30 MINUTES AFTER WE WERE CLOSED, trying to pull similar BS. This time, the manager on duty caught it and they didn't get away with using bogus or expired coupons like the other lady did, but because of that, they didn't buy half of the stuff they brought up to the registers and just made more work for the closers. :/ I felt bad for them.
In non-work related news, I was heartbroken to hear that Diana Wynne Jones passed away last night/this morning. She was an amazing author, and I loved her work. I know she will be very, very missed.
stupid work is stupid,
buncha savages in this town,