On the way to work yesterday,
this song came on the radio, and I thought it was cute, so I waited to the end to see if they'd say who sung it. Surprisingly, they did (I HATE it when radio stations don't tell you who sang something! Drives me nuts. Anyway--), and it was by Jessie J featuring B.o.b. Shortly after, I thought out loud, "I wonder what B.o.b. stands for?"
Zack & I spent the rest of the ride to work thinking of things it might stand for. XD Some of my favorites:
Buckets of Butter
Bathtub of Beer
Butterflies on Butts
Bears own Bowlerhats
Boobs on Boys
(Imagine my disappointment when I Googled it last night and found out that it didn't mean anything--his real name is Robert/Bobby, so it's just a "different" way to spell BOB. :/ Ah, well.)