terrible twos

Mar 17, 2005 22:49

boo :( tomorrow's friday. that means its everyones weekend and the end of my spring break. just when i was getting used to this whole no school thing. UGH. im so tired. my body is OFFICIALLY used to napping. not good. like yesterday and today i didnt have any time to nap (crazy!?) and i really cant stay up long if i dont nap. i feel like such a toddler.

i was watching the news and everytime i hear about the death penalty my blood boils. who the hell is to say who in this world should live and who's life should come to an end? nobody should have that kind of power. and i dont care what the person did, i dont care how evil. someones actions and consequences are between him and god. not his fellow human beings. life in prison, yes. death penalty, no. its so barbaric and uncivilized if you really think about it....ugh i have so much hatred for how the world operates....

random question: what color are hazel eyes? because all my life i thought hazel was a mixture of brown and green until 1) colleen says she has hazel eyes and her eyes are a gorgeous greenish blue. AND my parents think i have HAZEL eyes and im pretty sure i have brown/light brown. so i look up hazel in the dictionary and its light brown...?  everything is throwing me off....

so i went running today with gina!! at 8!! or should i say..."RUNNING" haha...i called all the breaks...sorry gene. man, i need to get this fat ass of mine INTO SHAPE. thats what i miss soo much about track. i was so freaking in shape. now i feel old and decrepit. so i might be running a three mile "race" with chant on sunday...haha, well see about that. i reallly want to, im just not sure if i can physically do that at the moment. i could have one year ago :( boo. but this might be the perfect oppurtunity to start...you know, embarass myself in front of lots of people! woo! sounds like a great way to get my self esteem and confidence up =P

i should have def done some work over vaca. def screwing myself over and classes havent even started! im just behind in stupid government, i hate that class a lot....i cant wait to go back to school only so that it will go by quickly and end and i can just be done.

know what i need? i need excitement. i need something NEW and FUN in my life. i am so sick of everything. from school to people to work to everything. life is so monotonous and boring and even going out and having "fun" isnt so fun. maybe im just saying this becuase i am SUPER sleeeepy right now. but in general i think i do get bored of people/life really easily. i dont think anything can keep up with my attention span/needs. again... i feel like a toddler. i need new toys.

i wish i could write more eloquent journal entries like maria. i would have more to say in less space and more creativity. my entries are so middle school.

ok survey time to take up space! wooo!! i know you love surveys, esp when youre bored. dont lie. (ps: this is lauren's surveys she put together, PROPS)

Time begun: 11:24 pm

Do you know...
That it’s impossible to lick your elbow? yep
The word "pornography" comes from Greek meaning "writings of prostitutes"? nope
The bible is the most shop lifted book? nope
If u drink coffee you’re less likely to commit suicide than if you don’t?hmm..maybe i should go back to drinking coffeeee

Australian women are most likely to have sex on the first date? im sure all the boys would like to know that...watch out australian women.
Most elephants weigh less than the tongue of the blue whale? WOAH!! ok now THAT IS CRAZY!!!! WOW...

Which do you like best…
kazaa or imesh? uh...i dont know what imesh is
viva la bam or wildboyz? umm..ive seen viva la bam..so that
chapelle show or south park? chapelle show
pizza or burgers? PIZZA!!!!!!!
being ugly and rich or poor and beautiful? money means nothing. poor and beautiful...
comedy or horror? comedy, fo shizzle
sex with rich and ugly or poor and hot? poor and hot...
make love or have sex? both ...haha
cats or dogs? ew. niether.
music or TV?music i guess

winter vacation or spring break? ugh both boring and cold as hell...doesnt matter
air conditioner refrigerators? umm hello FRIDGE HOLDS THE FOOD, AND FOOD EQUALS KEY TO MY HEART
porn videos or magazines? hmm..tough one. id say videos. more action
movie theatres or TV? theatres. i fall asleep at home
Birthday or Halloween? BIRTHDAY
Rain or shine? yah tough one, becuase i love the rain oh so much.
Frontside or backside? if its YOU backside :-P
Inside or out? OUT
Autumn or spring? springggg
Summer or winter? oh tough one,  the beauty and freeness of summer doesnt compare to the dibilatating snow and freezing temperatures.
Sawn or duck? im gonna assume that is suppose to say Swan. and ill choose DUCK because its the underdog.

Day or night? Day
Fly or read minds? ohh boy! anyone can fly....reading minds ...i could do SO MUCH with that....
Back massage or foot rub? both if its being done to me =)but i choose back massage..thats hot
Banana seat or car seat? uhh ive never heard of banana seat?
Male or female? umm...i want a MALE, but females are born better.
Artificial or all-natural? all natural would be  IDEAL
Real or cyber? uh REAL...and only one thing comes to mine for this..haha
Chocolate or vanilla? vanilla...
Hug or kiss? kiss... i dont think im a fan of hugs. they just dont do it for me.
One-night stand or long-term relationship? long term. cuz im a loser like that.
New or old? umm...so broad. i dunno. in the category of friends, old.
Paper rolls over or under? lost me.
Life or death? theres another tough one! oh boy....cant decide on this one

What would you do if…
Your house caught on fire? probably scream and be really hysterical and panic
Your dog crapped on the floor of your house? kill the dog......just kidding..um...be reallly angry?
Your teacher yelled at you b/c you didn’t understand something? cry...i really would.  
Your computer crashed? cry....thats my reaction of choice =)
Your best friend started avoiding you and stopped talking to you? woah. scary. ummm. talk to her?
You lost all your money? id get over it.

Which of these stupid things would you do...
Put a squid in your pants? hahah yah why not.
Find some cows... then push them over? aww, no thats mean! plus i dont think i would be able to and if i did they would get right up and kick the crap out of me

Make up stupid phrases in Spanish like yo no soy pollo? i think i do that already...
Go around telling everyone that it's your birthday? hahaha..thats funny. i would, why not.
Go around asking people 'hey are you the wild hooker from jerry springer'? haha...no i dont think id have the guts
Stare at your buddy list? i think i do this like everyday....hahah
Build all your friends with mud? hahaha, these are funny. yah why not.
What do you think of 'love'? hmm....i have many thoughts about it. i know ill find it. im not looking for it, but if it comes ill welcome it with open arms. i think i have a lot of love in my life already. ok nuff sapppy shit.
Would you give you’re life for someone? yes. many people.
Why? oh. tough to answer. its just something youd do without thinking. i dunno, i dont think i could live knowing i could have risked my life and didnt. its just something you do without a second thought. like a reflex ...

Do you believe in…
God? most def
Miracles? most def
Love? most def
Love at first sight? oooo....hmm...i think ill have to see it to belive it...no pun intended
Heaven? yes
Luck? yes
Magic? ummm......i dont think so
Abortion? tough one. depends on situation. so hard to just pick a stance
Death penalty? GOD NO.
Killing someone? NO
Pre-marital sex? nope....well i mean its not that i dont believe in it....i dunno
War? NO

tell me about you…
name Enas
Are you named after someone? some reallly charismatic funny lady on an arabic radio station that everyone loved (thats what my parents tell me)
Age 18
Location boring
Hair color brown
Do you color your hair ? i havent in a while, but maybe this summer. i just hate roots like whoa.
Eye color...brown. i think
Wear glasses yeaaaup. FOUR EYES
Height 5'3''
Shoe size 7-7.5
Religion Islam
Birthplace Amman, Jordan
Birthdate....april fools
Piercings...just my nipples
Tattoos? yep, a butterfly on my left butt cheek
sex? yes please, but not right now.
if you were to be labeled what do u think u'd be labeled as..?  umm i dont like labels. very immature
the perfect word for you would be? umm...perfect? hahah
has someone ever used you? i hope not....i feel like it sometimes but thats just paranoya
Have you used someone? nopeee
what are you gonna do next? in life? no idea. taking it one day at time please.
Where will you retire to? so much for that one day at a time....i dont want to think about retiring yet
What book are you reading? the art of happiness....stilll
Have any siblings? yep, 3
Do you have any secrets? i think so. theres secrets that people tell me that i dont tell anyone. but i dont think i have any secrets...from certain people yes. ok im rambling
Do you hate yourself? nope. not at all.
What are your bad habbits? i have many....ill come back to this
Do you like your own handwriting? sometimes, in general its kinda sloppy, otherwise its ok
What is your biggest fear? death, everything about it...dont really wanna go into it
Can you sing? sing? yah my ass.
No, really, can you sing? MY ASS
Are you a loner? i dont think so....sometimes i feel like i am but thats just paranoya again haha
Are you a daredevil? NOPE haha
Is there anything about you that you hate? umm. well my big nose, but i can deal with that. i dont like bad qualities but you cant be perfect. so in general no.
Have any regrets? nope...no need for regrets
Are you confident? yes....maybe sometimes too confident haha.

Band? the beatles
Curse word? eh..not so much a curser 
Ice cream flavor? OoO....umm...coconut is good at the moment
Color? pink i suppose, typical girl
Word? right now, poop
Movie? mmm...a few
Movie star?eh not so much
Phrase? ehh too much thinking, im fallling aslleep

Features in a guy/girl...
What is the first thing that captures your attention? def sense of humor....some people totallly stick out in  a crowd with their funny comments 
One characteristic he/she must have? sense of humor
Should he/she have tattoos? eh...not so much
Length of hair? a lot shorter than mine please
One thing he/she must be? ...well he must be caring, romantic, sweet, charismatic. i want someone with a heart of gold.
Age? def older than me. nothing greater than 10 years. nothing less than 0 years
Big or small feet? feet are gross. id say big feet....cuz you know what they say about big feet wink wink ;) (it means they have big eyes too :-P)

Your dream...
Wedding- In jordan, with all my family there, nothing too big and fancy, i want everyone to have a good time, and LOTS OF PICTURES

Birthday party -  a super sweet one like the ones on my super sweet sixteen!....NOT. i like surprise parties, those are the best
Husband/wife - i dont just want someone who loves me, i want someone im truly madly deeply in love with. i dont want the perfect guy, i want the perfect guy for me.

Pet - canary (bird) i like birds, very pretty
Child - my dream child? haha umm i reallly dont know

Love life...
Are you single? yeeaaaupp, story of my life
If not, what is your boy/girl-friends’ name?
Do you love someone? i love many people, but a boy? not so much right now
Who? n/a
What about them do you like?n/a
Their age? n/a
How many boy/girl friends have you had? a kagillion ballion so i stopped keeping count
Are you straight, gay or bi? Boys are hott

What is your favorite store? mm.. idunno if i have a favorite i like urban outfitters and american eagle
Where do you get your jeans from? mix, the ones i wear most, american eagle
What about your shirts? urban outfitters
What about your underwear/boxers? victorias secret
Do you wear thongs, granny panties, boxers, briefs, or etc? who cares, im sure you can all guess....

Do you…
Smoke? ughhhhh soooo groossssss
Do drugs? ....eh i wouldnt say "do drugs"
Read the newspaper? sometimes
Pray? not as much as i should, in fact, not much at all :(
Go to church? nope seeing as im muslim
Talk to strangers on IM? i try not to....but some people are wierd
Sleep with stuffed animals? not so much
Walk/dance in the rain? how about run in the rain, now thats fun.
Talk to people you hate? yea, unavoidable
Drive? yes, i love it
Like to drive fast? no! scary!
Like your voice? sometimes,  but god do i hate hearing it on some recording device. i sound like man.

Have you ever…
Been out of the country? yessss sir
Gone skinny dipping? nope
Had a medical emergency? uh? not so much
Had surgery? not so much
Ran away from home? not so much
Beaten someone up? ok, i dont do anything,
Gotten beat up? not so much
Been on stage? yes. and i love love loved it. acting in 8th grade was such a tease. i wish i did it more.
Slept outdoors? not so much
Stayed up all night? haha story of my academic life
Gone a day without food? yeahhh haha
Slept for 24 hours? nope
Been betrayed? uhh..prollly back in middle school drama days
Broken the law? yeaah...gasp....i think we all have
Been on TV? i wish! prolly on the stupid news....everyones been on the news some time in thier life
Been on the radio? not so much
Accidentally killed an animal? ah~ no~~! :(
Killed an animal on purpose? AHH~~!!
Talked on the phone all night? i can talk if i want...i dont remember if i have
Been seen naked in public? yah all the time, its my day job.
Had someone walk in on you in the bathroom? yeah haha...damn malfunctioning lock
Written in a textbook? uhhh i dont think i would be a normal adolescent/human if i didnt
Been suspended from school? yah all the time
Bunji jumped? i want to
Lied? yah ...but i dont like lying unless its TOTALLY necessary
Killed someone? UH NO
Kissed someone of the same sex? noopee
Felt lonely? rarely
Felt like you needed a shoulder to cry on? yah, and then i find one.
Liked someone too old or too young? hahah story of my life. i love you mr. p
Cried over someone? uh i think we all have....that drama started in like 1st grade was it?
Cut yourself? noooo
Had a crush on a teacher? HAHA,  mr p, its you again
Had dunkin’ donuts? nope...never heard of it? what is that?

Put a name of someone this reminds you of…
Widow - grandma
Cloud - uh?
Flower - colleen
Snow - ?
Annoy - i wish i code words
Red - ?
Shirt - what, so freaking random
Short - ?
Hyper - cant think
Perky - ?
Black - ?
Night - ?
Day - ?
Lard -TINA
Bored - MEEE wooo
Beeeep… - uh ?
True - K, i think of the song
Sword -?
Bread - ?
Toast - ?
Jelly -?
Sex - ?
Happy - ?
Depressed -?
May - sister
69 - middle school
July -  ?
September -?
Smiley - 6th grade

Your school…
What school do you go to? bentley colllege what what represent
Does your school have sports? no....do most colleges do?
Do you play any of those sports? bentley has no sports
How many people are in your school? 4500? no clue
What grade are you in? freshmen
What city is your school in? waltham
Do you like your school? yes

Time ended: 12:27 wooop wooop! 1.5 more hours to killll!!!

ok this is OFFICIALLY the longest UPDATE OF MY LIFE. i could have most def used this time sooo much more wisely. story of my life.
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