Geographical substantiation of the Indo-Siberian transport direction (article of 2012)

Jan 10, 2018 03:41

Geographical substantiation of the Indo-Siberian transport direction. Yu. N. Golubchikov, K. K. Rakhimov, A. D. Sobyanin, V. S. Tikunov. Geography and Natural Resources, July 2012, Volume 33, Issue 3, pp 258-261 // Translated by SpringerLink. 15.11.2012.

Geography and Natural Resources
July 2012, Volume 33, Issue 3, pp 258-261 Geographical substantiation of the Indo-Siberian transport direction
Yu. N. Golubchikov, K. K. Rakhimov, A. D. Sobyanin, V. S. Tikunov
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The interests of Russia, as a Eurasian state, must be geared not only toward the West, East and North but also toward the South. The transport capabilities of Trans-Sib (Trans-Siberian Railway) will be enhanced dramatically once it is connected with the Indian Ocean via a network of meridional railways. In particular, this would provide an entry for grain exports into countries of Central and South Asia. Some elements of the Indo-Siberian arterial railway are traceable even in the existing network of the former Soviet railways in Central Asia. It is suggested that the project be started from the Chui-Fergana Trans-Kyrgyz Railway.
Keywords: Transsib, Central Asia, Indo-Siberian continental railroad, multimodal transport corridor, cargo transportation.

o Original Russian Text © Yu.N. Golubchikov, K.K. Rakhimov, A.D. Sobyanin, V.S. Tikunov, 2012, published in Geography and Natural Resources, 2012, Vol. 33, No. 3, pp. 168-172.Page %P Close Plain text
Yu. N. Golubchikov (1)
K. K. Rakhimov (2)
A. D. Sobyanin (3)
V. S. Tikunov (1)
Author Affiliations
1. Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia
2. Central Eurasia Trade&Logistic L.P., Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan
3. Association for Trans-Border Cooperation, Moscow, Russia

References (6)
Shcherbanin, Yu.A., The Foundations of Logistics, Moscow; Unity-Dana, 2007 [in Russian].
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About this Article
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Geographical substantiation of the Indo-Siberian transport direction
GEOGRAPHY AND NATURAL RESOURCES, 2012, № 3, p. 168-172 Geographical
Journal Geography and Natural Resources Volume 33, Issue 3, pp 258-261
Cover Date 2012-07-01
DOI 10.1134/S1875372812030134
Print ISSN 1875-3728
Online ISSN 1875-371X
SP MAIK Nauka/Interperiodica
" Landscape/Regional and Urban Planning
" Economic Geography
Central Asia
Indo-Siberian continental railway
multimodal transport corridor
cargo transportation

Оригинал статьи на русском языке:
Голубчиков Ю.Н., Рахимов К.К., Собянин А.Д., Тикунов В.С. Географическое обоснование Индо-Сибирского транспортного направления // География и природные ресурсы. 2012. № 3, июль-сентябрь. С. 168-172.

Golubchikov Yu N., Cui Wei-Hong, Jiang Yang-Ming, Rakhimov K.K., Sobianin A.D., Tikunov V.S., Wang Yun, Yang Xian-Kun. Geographical Substations of the Pacific-Atlantic and Indo-Arctic Transport Net (in Chinesee) // InterCarto / InterGIS. 2014. Pp. 225-237.
Golubchikov Yu N., Cui Wei-Hong, Jiang Yang-Ming, Rakhimov K.K., Sobianin A.D., Tikunov V.S., Wang Yun, Yang Xian-Kun. Geographical Substations of the Pacific-Atlantic and Indo-Arctic Transport Net // Regional bulletin of the East. 2014. ? 2 (62), June. Pp. 70-88.

На фото: ГОЛУБЧИКОВ Юрий Николаевич, ведущий научный сотрудник кафедры рекреационной географии и туризма географического факультета МГУ, кандидат географических наук. Facebook:

Читать, скачать книгу:
КНИГА. СТЕК: Система транспортных евразийских коридоров / Сост. А.В. Воробьев, К.К. Рахимов, А.Д. Собянин. - Пушкино: Центр стратегической конъюнктуры, 2015. - 644 с. // Центр стратегической конъюнктуры. 07.10.2015.

Собянин Александр Дмитриевич, Тикунов Владимир Сергеевич, география, Индия, Голубчиков Юрий Николаевич, Рахимов Кубатбек Калыевич, транспортные коридоры, Индия в Средней Азии

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