Jan 03, 2007 17:48
So after having the worst sleep of my life I decided to call in sick today...Talked to scotty and he told me to go out because it was a beautiful day...
So I thought about it and decided that 2007 has to be filled with adventure for me... I'm tired of the same old boring things...
SO I got dressed and headed out...I walked and walked and well I ended up downtown at Chapter's on Rideau, with no money in my pockets or back account I walked into the store. After wandering around looking at books on topics that interest me I found myself sitting on the floor at the back of the first floor near george street in the philosophy section reading a book called Hello I'm Special. This book opened my eyes to things I already knew but pretty well refused to believe or even see. Not done the book I decided that tomorrow being pay day I should actually buy it. So I will end up there on my way home from work tomorrow. This book allowed me to think freely again...no more thoughts from within the box I've been stuck in, reading this even gave me a few ideas for screenplays, wow, I haven't had good ideas in a long time.
I ran outta that store to hop on the bus to head home. Giving me time to think freely about my life and where its headed, at this point it's headed into a giant garbage can. I've decided that 2007 will be the pinnacle of my life I will make foolish decisions and learn from them, I will care about myself before anyone else (except the kids obviously), I will practice what i preach to those children everyday which is to do what I want and not let anyone or anything stop me. No one else's rules will run my life. I will choose my own rules to stick by.
I've begun to make my plans for my month long vacation. if anyone would like to join me even if only for a week of that month I would love it, if not that's cool...I'll be spending my month in L.A.; checking out the LA Film School which looks awesome, making connections, relaxing, and volunteering. I will make sure I am busy as hell doing only the greatest things to improve myself, my career goals, and view of life; all the while shooting my own documentary starting February 1st. It's an obvious documentary something we all hear about a lot, and maybe even go through but it'll be about starting your life over. Stupid yes probably, but something I'm willing to put a lot of effort into and willing to spend 1-2 years of my life dedicated to.
Anyways I just needed somewhere to write this all down...ANY COMMENTS OR SUGGESTIONS? WANNA BE PART OF THE DOCUMENTARY? let me know!