Ah, crap.

Aug 02, 2004 12:08

Mum is still in bed. At least I got her to come out and have some supper, but it was a token move at best. (OT note: I'm a Word writer, normally. I keep hitting the SAVE hotkeys and having to ESC out of that. Makes me nuts.) HS finally called back, told me she was on holiday. Didn't GET my message, never mind ignoring it.
We have discussed the problem: Mum is in a crash, ran out of her meds and is suffering for it. HS will probably drop in later today to help me take Mum to the hospital. We may have to commit her again; I hope it won't be for 3 weeks this time.
I hate knowing she's alone in there, and I have enough trouble with hospitals (I'm phobic) that I can't visit frequently or stay long when I can get past the lobby. Though with the Brother here, she won't have to do without… can't say I think that's such a great idea, he's got some very strange preconceived notions about hospital mental wards. Expects them to be all barred doors and feces-flinging patients screeching 'Attica!' or 'The devil stole my Nikes!'
Oh, let's face it. He's an idiot. Told me yesterday that he didn't think it was 'his place' to do anything to help Mum. Right, that's fine, I'll just take care of everything, cajoling her to come out and eat, cooking, tracking down doctors, trying to get to her pill drawer to take the pills out when she makes one of her infrequent and brief bathroom trips, not to mention going to school full-time and looking for work as well.
You just sit on your arse all day, watching TV or chatting up a storm at The Pork Chat, Jaybird28, and the rest of us will carry you for as long as you like. You don't have to do more than wash the dishes a few times a week, that's plenty. Sit back, relax, enjoy! Wouldn't want you to find a JOB or anything, not you! You're far too intellectually superior to pump gas or really DO anything. Silly me for pushing.
Er, no. I don't like my brother. Thanks for asking. And that's my day. How's yours?

fuck you very much, the kinfolk are restless tonight, school, grrr., snark, it's not nice to make diaz cry
