Yarr. Another quiz, me hearties.

Jul 28, 2004 23:23

Yeah, I know. Nothing to do with pirates. Does it matter? I think not.

Since you've read this far down, you obviously adore me, and give a damn about my day: I don't mind school. It's interesting, I'm doing something different, I'm learning. My hed iz pastede on yay. I DO mind waiting. Apparently, my paperwork didn't get submitted the day it should have been. Substitute financial aide didn't have the gumption to send out the mid-week courier. *bifflewhingegripe* This means my loan is still not even decided on in Victoria, so nobody can confirm or deny anything. *ranthowlbitchmoan*
Next: had a low-sugar moment today, wanted to throw my textbook at some poor unsuspecting soul who offered to help me. Luckily, I'm now better at recognizing that it's ME acting weird, and I don't think anybody noticed. I went to the mini-mart in the building and got a full-sugar Coke, guzzled it, started feeling much less confused and volatile. I keep neglecting to eat at home, largely because the brother is around and tends to kill my appetite. Watching HIM eat is revolting. And you have to HEAR it, too. Vile. But no excuse. Will have to test blood glucose more regularly. On positive side, maybe I'll drop a few pounds. I could certainly use that.

aw crap money, but everybody else is doing it, the kinfolk are restless tonight, school, grrr., stop talking now
