Aug 16, 2005 12:20
Things I Must Remember, And Tell Others, For School - Bad Loki!
1. No matter what I tell CM, wax really is not a food group.
2. Do NOT ask DG to 'reach up in there' when the vending machine is being a bitch.
3. It is not funny when DG gets stuck in the vending machines, Really.
4. James Cameron is not the Anti-Christ. I'm lookin' at YOU, RF.
5. It's not nice to tell the Filipino ladies to Google 'MILF'.
6. It's also not nice to tell a clueless 19-y-o guy to Google 'SG-1 slash fanfiction' in the middle of class.
6a. Even if it is hilarious to watch EricV turn purple.
7. Jeff-the-instructor is NOT the star of any 'special watersports' videos.
7a. Neither is Oskar.
8. 'FUCKING TOOL' is not an appropriate answer for any question in ACCPAC class.
9. Quit talking about James Garfield as if he were a living person, your neighbor, or on his way to inspect the troops.
10. Nobody else wants to hear you sing Elvis songs, and you don't know the lyrics anyway. Stop it.
but everybody else is doing it,