Continuing on from my previous post, at least I can say I have good people in my corner.
The biggest shock in all of this is discovering that the company owner, Bosslady, is actually kind of a horrible person. I really thought, all this time, that she gave half a shit about her employees' needs and well-being, and it turns out she really doesn't. If a worker isn't following the company line, the worker is useless, no matter what other factors might come into play. It's disconcerting, to say the least.
Jay is great, though I'm sure he's tense about how money will shake out. We've agreed that I'm taking the weekend off to decompress, and on Monday I'll start putting in online applications, and we'll see where it goes from there. I'm sure Alli will tell me I'm better than that place, when I tell her (or when she sees the other post, whichever comes first). My main concern right now is that money is going to be tight unless I find another job right away.
I phoned the severely-anxious coworker to give her a heads-up that she won't have me there any more, and didn't think of how much that would ramp up the nerviness for her but I still think it's better that she knows ahead of time. Everyone in the office was so certain the bosses would have to listen to us, and convinced I was too important to get fired, and we were definitely wrong about that. I've advised a couple of remaining employees to be careful, because Bosslady and Boss C are stupid and short-sighted enough to fire more people to make the majority toe the line.
The office is going to be a truly shit place to work from now on. I was the self-appointed Morale Officer, because I hated that nobody among the higher-ups was willing to do anything to improve the general mood of the place. I brought in treats on a lot of my shifts, with enough leftovers for the graveyard person and/or the daytime staff, which included Boss C when she bothered to come in for work. It's her preference to work from home, as she lives about 5 minutes down the road from the office, while 80% of the employees live at least a 40-minute bus ride away.
I built them a fucking training manual for our system, because nobody else was going to do it and I fucking HATED training, especially without any documentation. I'm really hoping that those few copies I left behind mysteriously disappear... I have the original files in Google Drive; I never gave them access. I have a fucking awesome document that I can strip of identifying information and use as an example of my skills and initiative.
I have needed to be out of there for some time now, but I was always afraid of ending up between jobs, with no actual prospects, because my former company is owned by assholes. So yeah, this is what I was afraid of.
Right now what I feel is equal measures of fear and gut-deep relief. I never again have to listen to someone ramble on for two full minutes about what they want or need without pause, just to learn they're calling the wrong fucking number and no, I don't have a number for Other Doctor's office, but 411 probably does. I don't have to deal with that fucking home care file, ever again. I don't have to go out to fucking Langley every day and get home at 12:50am every fucking night. I never have to smile politely at Boss C ever again, when what I really want to do is tell her that she's a crap boss (and describe the ways) and tell her FOR FUCKSAKES STOP PUTTING YOUR WEIRD-LOOKING FACE IN THE COMPANY ADS, YOU NARCISSISTIC TWAT. YOUR MOTHER LOVES YOU AND SHE HAS TO SAY YOU'RE PRETTY IF YOU ASK.
What would make me happy right now would be to win the $RIDICULOUSBIG lottery, so I could buy that fucking company. As a condition of the sale, Boss C has to work for me for 6 months, taking every shift she's called in for, and covering the files everyone else hates so much: the fuel truck emergency reporting line, the roadside assistance line where half of the members get denied service because they didn't read the fine print, and that motherfucking home care line. She'd earn $11 an hour, and would no longer be authorised to act as a manager or senior operator. Supervisor J would have the job of randomly sampling her calls and reviewing her messages for errors, which would all be reported back to her and involve notes that she has to sign and return. Failure to acknowledge her errors would result in jeopardy to the sale. I'd be buying the company for such a generous price, her mother wouldn't let her back out. And seriously, this is what they do to you if you screw something up. They print it out, leave you a snotty note, and make you sign-and-return the thing for your employee file.
Yeah, I never said I wasn't a vindictive bitch, seriously.