The "4" is 5.7cm W x 7cm H. The sonic screwdriver is 1.3cm W x 9.5 cm H. The pocket watch is 6.3cm W x 8cm H. Overall, it's 9cm W x 16.5cm H.
The bits that were more painful than the rest? The outer curve of the pocket watch, the bottom scarf fringe, and the tiny dots in the pocket watch design. Other than those spots, I wasn't really bothered.
Ooh, and evidence that I've done this before - the Celtic knot I got when I was nineteen:
Wow, that's faded. Almost all of the colour's gone, too. Used to be bright red and blue/green. I'm going to make it a tradition, a new tattoo every 20 years. What do you figure might be thematically appropriate?
I have cream to put on it a couple of times a day; it's still ridged and rough, but not red or sore, so I figure I'm doing well.