Aug 20, 2012 02:19
I keep forgetting that is now almost as good as for Things You Can Buy. I spent 30 minutes using Google to try and hunt down a local place (Surrey BC) that would sell me really long pieces of waxed cotton cord in a couple of colours, and came up with places that sound good, but require an hour on the bus.
Then I decided to stop resisting, and clicked an Amazon link. It went to .com, of course, and I ranted a bit at Jay about how .ca never has anything good, rar rar rar... and then I decided to, you know, actually look.
30-foot hanks of waxed cotton cord, 3 colours. $1.49 each. $3 for S&H. They'll arrive sometime in the first week of September.
i am me,
i am a dork