
Sep 24, 2008 17:38

So, who bought another sword today? Yeah, it was me.

But, erm, I bet you can't guess what media franchise it's from THIS time.


*shamefaced* It's Hiro's sword. From Heroes. Yep. */shamefaced*

We went to another clearance outlet, because that's what we do. We bought a metric shit-ton of stuff, of course, and Jay now has an assortment of shiny edged weapons as well, but I'm going to totally steal the pretty dagger. I suspect this will not surprise him at all.

Why blades? Well, why not? They're literally shiny, they're designed for the pretty (I obviously am not buying these things as actual weapons for me to use, because I am not someone who should simply hand over any battles to her foes) and I like them. So there.

Ciao, off to get groceries now.

money sh*t, the little screen, that guy i live with, shiny things!
