Heh, you can tell when I'm using Machine Baby to post... I get the Now Playing thinger at the bottom. The Mum's computer does not have the Greasemonkey script goodness, and she took away my admin powers in a fit of... fuck it, call it pique, so I can't install anything useful without permission. Which she won't give because she thinks doing anything to her computer will kill it.
By that logic, Machine Baby should be a smoking heap of circuit board and plastic casing by now. Logic, though, is not her strong suit. She recently decided she's living
The Truman Show, going back about 15 years.
Some of her delusions? That the 12-y-o daughter of Alli (the lovely and hysterically odd mother of Jay's son) is MINE, and called Alexandra. She is really, really not mine, though she is a cool kid. Also, that my brother has a kid with a girl he used to screw in high school (NO.) and everyone's been trying to keep her from knowing that her asshole father isn't actually dead. He IS dead, and good riddance to stinking refuse, but she's made this the focus of her delusions this time around. She also told me that mandatory 10-digit dialing for local phone calls figures in there somehow. I don't know why.
Yeah, The Mum has entered a new phase. For eight months, it was the Sleep 24/7 Phase. Now, it's the Frantically Play Flash Games on the Computer Phase, with added Epic Conspiracy, I Has It. She'll be back in hospital before too long. She expressed an interest in her prescription for about 36 hours, and I told her all she had to do was phone in the refill and I'd pick it up, but it's been at least a week and she won't do it. Bah.
So, I have a nice boyfriend. Why? He was just now saving me from carbs by drinking my sparkling blackberry IZZE. Aww. Then he gave it back. "Oh right, this is yours."
But! He gave me a belated birthday present! It's a micro SD card which fits in my DS Lite and holds about 30 games. YAY! I now have a Bubble Bobble, some Mario titles, all of the Phoenix Wright titles, and loads more I can't think of at the moment. Gadgety things! Also included? Monthly skins for my DS screens. Heh. It's Snape for September. There's even Elijah Wood. No Seth Green, though. Maybe I need to make one...
Played with my DS while sitting with C, Jay's son, and he played with his own DS. Spent about 45 minutes quite companionably doing this. Was nice.
We're getting into a new format for D&D games, using MapTools (
http://www.rptools.net/doku.php). We had a campaign last night, and knocked off a goblin chieftain and some of his baddies in a cave. It was a RIOT. You hook up to a server and play on your machines. Since our players are spread out a bit (3 of us in one house [including the DM], the other two in Edmonton and Los Angeles) it's been wildly successful. Nice features, too. You can whisper to specific players, and the DM can't see what you're plotting.
Also: see the music below? Jay was playing Bionic Commando: Rearmed, while I was on Machine Baby in the same room. The Boss music is very thumpy, and he was talking about how it was getting harder as he went, and in what ways this game differs from the original Bionic Commando, and I just had to add my own commentary. Hence, Daft Punk & The Neptunes.
I keep saying I'm going to get him to do the 2P Challenge on Pikmin 2 with me, but I have yet to make it happen. That's my mission tonight. Plus, I have Jumbo Freezies, and I'm off to have a blue one right now.
Now playing: Daft Punk & Neptunes - Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger