So. Visited The Mum and she's gone from blank to whiny and slightly wounded/accusing. Actually asked me things that could be interpreted to mean it's MY responsibility to make sure she has and takes her medication. I put that to rest rather firmly. She's in her fifties. If she thinks I'll babysit her like that, she's even more fucked up than anyone thinks.
And now, the text file I kept adding to at work:
I don't know what's more distressing - the fact that there are grown men and women who think Jebus is coming in a giant yellow schoolbus to Up With People them into the sky, all singing Kumbaya and eating bananas with Kirk Cameron (*powershudder*) - or the fact that once they're all gone, presumably by mass OMG-the-cometbus-is-here suicide, I'm going to discover some seriously disappointing things about some of my favorite celebrities, and they won't even be around to be mocked in the tabloids.
Hmm. I need to get the laptop working again. Without it, I have WAY too much Random Bugfart Thinking Time.
Dude Who Needs A Locksmith:
STOP PHONING. You've already pissed off the on-call guy: they're not going to waive the call-out fee. Yes, $120 is a fair chunk of money for most people. Yes, it's a lot more than you wanted or expected to spend. But you called at 3-something in the morning, and they're not going to North Vancouver from Surrey unless it's really worthwhile. I'd guess they wouldn't consider a flat-rate fifty-buck job worth the two hours of travel time and lost sleep.
No, it's not illegal for them to refuse to waive their fees. You don't have to go with this company. Call someone else. That's what people do when they discover a policy or price they don't like: they go to another business.
You go ahead and call the police. I'm sure they'll be very sympathetic. They may even be able to find a nice little room for you to sleep in tonight.
Dude Who Wants A Plumbing Estimate:
Policy for this company is that you can have a free estimate during business hours, but they're not willing to talk to you without the promise of a paid service call from 5PM to 8AM the next morning.
Sorry, they don't tell me the rates. I don't need to know them, because they don't do estimates outside of stated business hours, and they're relying on your desperation to get things fixed after hours. That's a pretty standard tactic, really.
No, I won't forward your information with a fake note about it being a legit call. Get serious, will you? I'd get yelled at if I did something that dumb. Call back during daytime hours if you're not that concerned, or try another company if you so desperately want an estimate beforehand. I'm sure there's ONE company in the Lower Mainland who'll happily price your exploding water-related thingummer.
Oh yeah, and some more annoying people from a couple of days ago.-----------------
I don't like white meat, usually. It's too dry. But I read or saw a picture somewhere about oven-cooking whole birds on their keels, so the juices saturate the white meat. The dark stays tender, because this is the nature of dark meat, but the white gets plenty of basting and stays juicy.
Tried it at home - it WORKS! I'm still not a huge fan of white meat, but now I have a weapon against the terrible Curse of the Chicken Breast. Sadly, The Mum refused to try this with the Xmas turkey, so we had some nice drumsticks, and the wings were good too, but the breast was rather like cardboard. Urgh.
2.5-ish hours to go. I just had an unintentional nap on my desk, and almost fell out of my chair.
Superman Returns is not doing its job and keeping me awake. Damn it,
Brandon Routh, why are you so pretty and SO BORING all at once? Can it possibly be all
Kate Bosworth's fault in this movie?
I have to hope you're not nearly as glassy-eyes-inducing as Clark/Supe. It'd be a shame to find out a sweet slab of beefcake like you is a thoroughly dull bastard. It would ruin my hopeful mental image of celebrity in general: can't possibly be as lame as me, with all of those parties and all of those coked-up sycophants ready to drop and blow you kisses at the quirking of an eyebrow.