Oct 02, 2007 01:50
Note to self: buy Scotch-Gard-y stuff. You need your nice new red coat to be water-resistant. Or you will drown on your way to work.
Note to weather: not funny, srsly. I can't even read at the bus stop unless I like soggy pages that don't so much turn as rip, and sometimes melt.
Note to publishing industry at large: less crap paper in your paperbacks, plzkthx.
And while I'm at it - Note to history repeating: clean your act up, already.
Cousin Harry is doing miles better, BTW. He gripes about chores and not having unlimited freedom to 'do stuff' after school with friends at the mall, and Uncle D actually told me he's sorry he's been such a dick, but he didn't understand that I'm not actually all that different just because I do a few things differently.
Crystal Mystic Uncle is still an ass, though. So it goes.
note(s) to universe,
i want a million dollars and a pony,
the kinfolk are restless tonight,
i've been reading again