I just took a message from Steve Austin.
Goes to show how much of a clue I have... my first thought was $6M Man, and not Stone Cold.
I'm getting very cranky with The Mum over the last couple of days. She's been ignoring bills and is now avoiding calls from collection agencies. Won't talk about it, but also won't do anything to fix it, so we're losing cable (and internet) until she gets off her ass. I COULD pay it myself, but I barely watch TV lately, and I get enough internet here at work. She's the one who'll miss it most.
I think it's time to be tough with her again. I know she's freaked out about money, but she's spent the past 18 months AT HOME, rather than earning a living, and frankly, I'm itching to move out just so I can get some time alone in my own fucking home.
Anyway, I'm going to talk to her about getting a frigging JOB, so she won't have so much stress over money. And we need to discuss her sleep schedule, because she does absolutely nothing all day but lounge in bed or on the couch, maybe cook a little something or play on the internet, or if she's feeling particularly ambitious, make a trip to the public library three blocks away. She can't figure out why she can't sleep, she says. I've got a thought: if she DID something, moved around, engaged herself in some way, then she'd have a reason to be tired, and could possibly fucking fall asleep for more than an hour at a time.
Gah. I did say I was cranky. I haven't eaten in about 18 hours. Something else I have to get handled: we have very little food in the house, and I'm barely able to find anything to counter the sugar lows I'm having lately. I need to discuss this with my endocrinologist - does stress cause blood glucose to drop?