Well, the Lower Mainland is apparently being taken over, one neighborhood at a time, by the guy who just called me (on a local Parks Board line, WTF?).
He is, and I quote, "...spreading righteousness over the Lower Mainland, and [I] can join [them] in that holy mission."
I declined politely. He told me his name was Xavier ("With an X, like in X-ray.") and he knew I didn't want to go to hell. Did I?
Loki: "I sure hope I go there. I hear they're installing a water park next week. Should be fun. Anyway, I'll have lots of company, going by how the righteous have labelled most of my friends. Have a nice night."
You know it didn't end there. These calls never do.
Xavier: "Oh, but that doesn't have to be the case. I know it's a defence thing to laugh at the idea of hell, but don't you understand what it means for your eternal self? There's a part of you that goes on forever, Miss... what's your name?"
Loki: "I'm not telling you my name. I'm also not having this conversation." I'm a millisecond from the disconnect...
Xavier: "WAIT! We can help you. We can SAVE you."
I'm tired, folks. It's been an irritating night already, with the screamer box going off every five minutes and security guards not checking in so I have to hunt them down by phone.
Loki: "Look, you fruitcake, the only thing I need saving from is religious idiots who call answering services to practice their conversion skills because they think operators can't tell them where to stuff their obnoxious noise. This is not true. Now kindly get lost."
Xavier: "Haven't you ever heard the customer is always right?"
Loki: "You're not a customer unless you're spending money. This number is for a non-retail, non-service client, and I'm not sure how you got it, since it isn't in the phone book. Besides that, anyone who deals with customers can tell you that the customer is frequently a complete idiot. Goodnight." *firmly punches disconnect button*
Did he call back? Of course he did. And he felt it necessary to tell me I'm definitely going to hell (there was doubt? pfft. amateur.) because I'm a dark, perverse soul and a sinner (duh.) and blah blah kitten-mutilator evil puppy-stomper horrible baby-muncher bad bad girl.
I checked the first call recording so I could present the conversation accurately, but I can't find a recording for the second call. Friggin' computer system's not behaving again.
ETA: I think I'm getting burnt out at this job. I like my shift and my coworkers, and it's not difficult work, but sometimes the stupid just makes me SO FUCKING ANGRY. Meh. Maybe all I need is a break from my life. A long weekend somewhere else. We'll see how it goes.