I'm loving the AMVs I've found lately! There's an excellent one with footage from Kite, and the song is by Mindless Self Indulgence... YAY!! I swear, if Molly weren't already one of my favorite songs, it would've been after I saw this. Excellent work on the video. I LOVE it when the people making these things take such care to match the tempo of the song with the action, it's glorious!
Am so pleased about Remmie and Sevvie, it's just disgusting how much I have invested in
storge_space, really. But do I care? Of course not. I <33333 Presser Snake like woah (to paraphrase a friend), dammit.
In other news: RG's memorial is tomorrow evening. I'm bringing the lasagna. It's going to be really weird, I think. I've never met any of his other friends, and I have no idea how they feel about what he did and how he died… I'm going to have to watch my mouth, I'm sure. I tend to say harsh things, and as angry as I can be at RG, nothing should hurt these other people further. They knew him in better times, from what I understand, so they might have no idea about his latest moods/behavior, and they don't deserve any abuse or bullshit when they're coming to remember a friend. (Yes, I know you probably realize this, but I'm working things out in my head today. This is how I give myself orders, I think.)
It'll be a busy day tomorrow, anyway. Laundry in the morning, a movie with the Mum in the afternoon, memorial for RG in the evening. If I vanish for a couple of weeks, tell yourself I've gone to Belize for a rest cure. It won't be true, but it'll probably be a lot nicer to think about than reality, 'cause I'll be doing the 8AM class for my accountancy course (unless I can get in on the January session instead).
Wait a minute. 8AM classes in January? Well… yeah. Because I sleep like shit in very warm or very cold weather anyway.