I have an IQ of 48, and I don't know what that means!

Jan 17, 2007 17:33

The Cold From Planet Arrrrgghh™ is invading. It is not a light cold. I can't lie down or my chest fills up. Then I cough like I'm going to produce an entire lung at any moment. This causes my head to hurt like something very hurty, and alarms the cat.

Damn it.

At least it hasn't altered my plan to spend my days off watching The Pretender. I'm just indulging in peppermint tea and nesting on the sofa as well.

OK, but I'm grateful it isn't (yet) the same as The Mum's cold. She's been out of commission for about a week, nauseated and dealing with packed sinuses and trailing clouds of Kleenex-dust everywhere she goes. We actually thought we'd go to the movies today. Ha! So deluded. Must have been the fever last night.

Had a very funny talk with tytal, and am now plotting to get my hands on a copy of The 40-Year-Old Virgin, and I may even watch American Idol (put down the holy water and silver sword, Dennis), just to see what he described to me over the phone.

I also want to see Anchorman sometime in the near future. Doll, you've infected my brain.

i want a million dollars and a pony, tired, funny, opiate of the masses?, celluloid fantasies, sharing my delusions since 1973, ow, pointless but entertaining, sick again
