Oct 10, 2009 17:31
went to the zoo today with my mom, grandma, and Bronwyn. It was a lot of fun. there were baby lions that were adorable, and baby Bangos. one of the bangos was about to go into labor, we watched her off and on throughout the day only to find out that they tend to give birth at night oh well it was worth it to see the babies spring about in the rain like they were going to melt. so due to lack of baby there needs to be another trip in the near future especially when there is a giraffe that may drop within the month.
also on this trip it was decided that my little kourtni is well named. We saw real spider monkeys and they were cute jumpy climby crazy little bastards.
after the zoo there was lunch at dumars. this is apparently where the ice cream cone was invented. it eas very 50's dinner and awesome. I got a limeade there that was devine. going back there might also happen.
now I'm sitting in the hotel on my computer trying not to fall asleep as I was up at 6:41 this morning. no idea where we will go to eat. I know it won't be for a while as we ate lunch at 3:00pm