Apr 27, 2006 20:11
Options ladies and gentlemen. Options are what I have.
Soon I need to decide what to do after my brother(s) and I sell our house. I'm pretty sure my family thinks I haven't spent any time at all thinking about any of that, but to the contrary it seems to be consuming my every though.
So what to do?
I was thinking about getting out of Alabama. Way out of it. Sure I have things that I want to keep here but...I think things are going to change. Matthew says he might go up to Virginia and live up there (near mom, not with), and that honestly doesn't sound too terrible.
After all there are opportunities there amass and it would be a good way to spend some sliver of my life with my mom before she goes home to Vietnam. It might be my chance to learn Vietnamese and who knows - maybe go back with her for a vacation or something? That would certainly be a dream come true...
If not Virginia then where? Bryan offered me a room in his house in North Carolina but that place resembles Montgomery too much. Plus I hate Marines. So maybe not that...they might move into the Quantico area though - so who knows? Could be something interesting there...
Maybe Missouri? I do have family there (even though they are all dying)...Pretty much where ever I go I'll be a biology major I'm sure but what'll I do with it?
The acupuncture route is really what I want to do and Alabama does have a really good school for it...but I really don't want to resign myself here too much longer.
Mobile. Maybe. It'd be nice being closer to Waritta. Very nice. But things seem...
Well, who knows how things can turn out?
Maybe I'll become a vagabond - roaming the country aimlessly doing nothing.
Or maybe not.
Well most certainly I don't want to keep working at Guitar Center for the rest of my life.