Well, my 25th birthday has come and gone with little fanfare. Family from New York did come over the weekend of my b-day, and my sister the week later, which was very nice. I only received one present for my birthday this year, however it was a big doozy: my very own beatmaniaIIDX Arcadestyle Controller!
A close friend of mine was very generous to sell me one of his ASCs for only $300, compared to the $500 I would have spent by purchasing it from Play-asia. And since my parents offered to pay for half as my b-day gift, I only spent $150. ^_^ It's a huge beast of a controller, with arcade-sized turntable and microswtich keys. A problem with the ASCs is that the keys tend to click-clack loudly. This was easily fixed by inserting thin pieces of felt to dampen the plastic-to-plastic clicking. Overall, it's a pleasant experience to play with a full-sized turntable.
After seeing the photos Seel's video game stuffs on FA (and out of sheer boredom), I decided to photodocument all my video game collection, system-by-system. A daunting task, indeed. @_@
Wii, PS2, GC, Xbox, DVD: a lot of DVD cases in this thing. I do have more DVDs, mostly anime DVDs I've only watched a couple of times and put them away. Included are import PS2s, mainly IIDX games.
NES, SNES, N64: My core collection, dating back from 1988. It's expanded much since then, many of them bought from flea market hunts.
Genesis, Sega CD, 32X, Saturn, Dreamcast Most of these games I got AFTER the Golden Age of Sega. I mainly had the 16-bit system for Sonic, and I got the Saturn and DC stuff within the past year.
PS1, PSP, PC: As you can see, I'm not much of a PC gamer. :P
GB, GBC, GBA, DS C64, Atari 2600: The only games for systems I don't currently have. My pre-Nintendo era, these are all I have left of the 2600 and the C64, besides my C64 monitor.
Virtual Boy, Game Gear: Got the VB as a high school graduation present. Everything, minus Mario Clash, for $60. Sadly, the GG's screen is mostly kaput, so is the TV Tuner. All the cartoon shows I watched on there as a child. :P
Handhelds, e-Reader, Power Joy 2: The Power Joy is a Famicom clone, in the shape of a N64 controller, the cartridge that comes with it has like 90 Famicom games, mostly ripped of from official games. Surprisingly, I can play my JP SMB3 cartridge in it, but with inaccurate sound.
Console Hardware, Dancemats: Unfortunately, many things in here don't work now, including the Famicom, Sega CD, and the PS2 DDR Pad.
Game Boy Accessories, Famicom SMB3, Atari Controllers: Included here are my Legendz Soul Doll Adapter, My prized SMB3 game, with box and manual intact and the remains of the Atari 2600 that my sister and I used to have 20 years ago.
Virtual Console, Namco 5-in-1 Joystick II: The Namco joystick has Ms. Pac-man, Galaga, Xevious, Mappy, and Pole Position.
Special Controllers: All my dedicated controllers, light guns, and arcade sticks.
Twin Stick Setup: The Saturn controller with the Dreamcast adapter.
Now...if can excuse me... *waits for IIDX DistorteD CS in the mail* ^^