Why, Nintendo, WHY?! ;_;

Jun 09, 2006 13:26

I just recently got Starfox Assault a few weeks ago, when it went on sale. I enjoyed it, for the most part, and I kinda developed an interest for a certain eccentric space frog. Heheh. >_> I kinda have a tendancy of enjoying a game or cartoon more when there are male characters that are a bit ambiguous about being ghey, of if anything male characters who show absolutely no interest in females. Take Legendz, for example. There are so many hints that Dandy is gay, that you better not dare try to say otherwise! >=( If it weren't for a bartending, two-tailed crocodile who goes ga-ga around a big, hunky windragon, I probably wouldn't care much for Legendz than I do now. XD And what happens when I click on a new image of Starfox Command?


!@#$%!!!! WTF is this shit?! Of all the characters who get has a girlfriend, it just has to be SLIPPY!!!! Seriously, this has totally killed off any interest I had about Slippy now. Ever since that blue-furred tramp showed up, the storyline has been going down the tubes. *always prefered the SNES game anyway* I'm probably still gonna get the game, but I will totally ignore this new development...*growls* Thank goodness this fan-crush only lasted a few weeks, and not months. *goes back to DandyXSalamander for comfort*

starfox, videogames, nintendo

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