Kroko Obsession #21: DandyXSalamander

Aug 14, 2005 01:57

Within the past week or so, I started watching the first six fansubbed episodes of Legendz, an anime about some human children befriending powerful (and nicely drawn) creatures. Sure Shiron and Ranshiin are very cute and fluffy, but lately, I've been obsessing over a couple of Legendz that I feel are much more cuter. One, unsurprisingly, is Dandy Crocodile (or Devour Crocodile as he's technically known as), a surfing, two-tailed crocodile who appears in episode 4. It's funny to see him upset so irrationally whenever he's refered to as a mere "crocodile." Later on in the series, he opens up a bar/coffee shop at around episode 19 where the other main Legendz characters hang out. Some parts of that episode do leave me wondering about him, as well as the other Legendz he mentions crypticly, Salamander. He's a short, pinkish reptile punk (w/ mohawk, flame tattoos, & lip piercing) with a flamethrower nozzle on the tip of his tail. He did show up briefly inside his "soul doll" in ep. 6, but he doesn't officially appear until in episode 20. Apparently, Sala and Dandy know each other quite well, and Sala later works in Dandy's bar.

Being the silly, naughty kroko I am, my imagination's been a bit busy thinking about why they're so close, and why they're not like Shiron, as Dandy states in ep. 4. Dandy also calls Shiron his "dear aniki." I'm assuming "aniki" is a term for a brother-like mentor or friend, though that ending scene could be taken out of context...:3 After all, Dandy decides to look for his "true strength," and if you've seen that episode, you know what "true strength" is...*winks*

In the past two days, I've been Googling and Babelfishing up any info on Dandy and/or Sala, hoping to find some better screenshots and artwork of the two, maybe even find something more risque... There doesn't seem to be many fans of DandyXSala, Japanese or English, that I could find, not like all the ShironXRanshiin or GreedoXWolfieXLeon stuff I came across. Found a handful of Dandy and Sala fanart, but nothing more than G-rated. I did find a Japanese fanfic that does seem to be an adult DandyXSala story, though I can't read any of it. XD So, until someone subs the rest of Legendz, I'll have to wait quite a while to know what the heck's going on between the two of them. This is like AgumonXGabumon all over again. ('s been six years since Digimon came out?! Yikes...) Like that old saying goes: "If you can't find any DandyXSala pics, make your own...."

OT: This is the one year anniversary of me moving from my old house. I still haven't seen the videos and photos I took on that last day I was there. I think I'd be too sad and nostalgic to bare watching it... After a year of living with my sister and moving into the new house, I still rather have stayed in the old one. Still have dreams that happen there. :/ Oh, well....

*bounces to bed to dream of hot reptileness*

dansala, legendz

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