Will Love Lead The Way?

Dec 18, 2009 04:24

 A toast to clog grease and pressure frying; delicate dancing with frozen rain and stale coffee, you knew where the burrs were. It occurs, at times, the regurgitation of smoke, with trash stays, unending the party becomes habit more than desire. Secret codes written for the thrifty, but you still have to pay for that; hi, I don't really like you, but i assume that if i bat my eyes with swaying hips you'll give me what i want... for free! Right? Uncaring, with the compulsion for three letters, double back pair cause we're playing to win, we send her on her way, cutting off fingers to serve messages in the beaming airwaves! Jennifer! Jennifer! How could i say NO? How could i defy you and have a soul? Yah wanna roller skate? Most people despise the tacky, luminescent, dress code... I don't blame them. Don't forget to say hi to the cabbies: they can't stand your solitude.


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