art and low-quality editing by yours truly
Technically this doesn't look like a very warm and welcoming Friends Only banner, I guess? I keep meaning to do a Petit Prince one but I keep putting it off, so have ~Princetalia~ instead
But it's probably the most accurate. I'll spend nearly all of my time faithfully lurking on your journal without commenting, and most things I post later leave me standing in a corner wailing "Why am I so awkward and inept and say stupid things?!" I suspect I am not actually very good with people. I have yet to grow up into a self-sufficient adult person. There is a 99% chance I will automatically assume you are a girl on this gender-confusing, anonymous internet. Also my ancestry is German.
Leave a comment and I will add you!
Otherwise, if you just want to lurk, may I suggest:
Windswift on DeviantArt
thebookofnights, fandom writing journal
Windswift on FFnet
windswiftiris, original writing journal (also f-locked, woe)
Oh also I have a
Tumblr now but to be honest I still haven't got a clue how to work it, or how to make the most out of having one, and mainly I'm using it as the stalking platform of choice to keep in touch with one particular person but, I will link anyway, just in case
Scanlations masterlist for doujin I've edited