May 23, 2008 17:25
1. Are you a child of the 70s, 80s, or 90s?
2. Where were you born?
Vänersborg. But I dunno why?! It's really far away from where I grew up.
3. What kind of home did you grow up in?
Kinda messed up. Foster siblings with varies difficulties. Lots of people everywhere. We're a big family. And I do think we were elitistic, most of the time. Well my biological family was. And maybe my foster sibling who's a bit of a narcissistic twat with ADD. But we were always kinda like "Other people suck, they don't know where we've come from, they don't understand anything, they are all so shallow BLA BLA BLA".
4. Did you enjoy your childhood?
The good parts.
5. When you were a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up?
I wanted to be a writer or a rock star first, I just couldn't decide. I also wanted to be a climber, I used to climb a lot but I was fucking scared of heights so I knew it wouldn't lead anywhere. I also wanted to be an archeologist because I was obsessed with dinosaurs. My favourite was Velociraptor. Such a sweet mean dino!
6. What do you want to be now?
I don't know. I LOVE to write. And when I read the papers (well at least the entertainment parts of them) it makes me want to puke. NOBODY can write. There are like 4 decent writers out there. I want to be a journalist or a writer. Writing a book is the main thing I want to do with my life.
7. What was your first best friend's name?
I had two. Hanna and Sofia. We formed a club and climed mountains and pretended to be lions and shit. One winter I actually saved Sofias life which was like.....awesome I guess. But kinda weird. I will never climb a single thing EVER in my life.
Well, really my first best 4REAL friend was Josefine. I actually found her the other day on some stupid site called lol. Thing is, she was and probably still is a great person, but she fucked me over so bad I don't know if I actually should contact her. I mean I don't need her anyone. I've got so good friends now who I can trust way more. I just hope she's okey because I guess I still have a soft spot for that asshole :D
8. Are they still your friend?
9. Can you name all the schools you ever attended?
Alaforsskolan. Ledetskolan. Burgårdens Utbildningscentrum. Nordiska Folkhögskolan. Göteborgs Universitet.
10. Were you closer to your mom or dad as a kid?
I was always called a daddy's girl because I hung out with my dad a lot and we had really fun times. I loved his sense of humour and he was so nice to me. I wasn't as close to my mother for some reason. Maybe because das cleaned and cooked and washed our clothes and drove us places, and mum sat in her room writing a book. Lol no they both worked fucking hard, equally as hard certainly.
11. What was the first record, tape or CD you remember buying?
Spice Girls first cd.
12. How old is a good age to have kids?
Who am I to decide? For me, I don't know. Maybe in 10-15 years. I DO NOT want kids atm.
13. Are you scared of anything?
People finding me lame. And dying.
14. What was your favourite class in elementary school?
Reading and Writing.
15. Did you buy school lunch or bring your own?
Free school lunches, Sweden fuck the world. I agree with Sandra, kids who hate on the free lunches can go fuck off! Try live in a third world country you dick! The only one who is allowed to be whiny is ME because I had to live on potatoes and sallad in highschool because "vegan food isn't nutritous enough". So instead they didn't give me shit. Nutritious deluxe...
16. Broken any bones or had any freaky accidents as a kid?
I've got a scar on my right hand because I put my hand in the oven when I was like five.
17. Were you a mean kid?
NO WAY. I stood up for my foster siblings when they got picked on in school ( well sometimes I thought to myself "Life is a war, better the sooner you learn" LOL I ACTUALLY thought that!!!!)
18. Favourite board game of all time?
I hate games ;( I don't know....Trivial Pursuit I guess.
19. Did you play house or pretend to be a super hero?
20. Seriously, are you still just a kid at heart?
No I am not. I watched some kids play at kindergarten yesterday and it broke my heart. I sometimes wish I could be a kid again.