help anyone. He needs southen comfort!

May 29, 2005 23:29

i would do anything for a bottle of southen comfort right now. have been raiding the sprits down stairs and all i could find was this wired cherry stuff mixed it with lemon aid it seams pretty good. also finshed half a bottle of tia merra ?sp?

let me explain

my rents are having a bbq and right now their pissed as farts. just heard a loada stuff that i never wanted to hear in my life!!!

"shut up u stupid fuckers"


last night was class i didn't really remember a lot of it.

1. wonderd y vic had eye liner on
2. when did sarah leave us
3. y have i got a loada random phone calls on my phone.
4. what happen to my shoes and why are my sock soaked in drink.
5 why were me and craig trying to get on a church
6. was joe there

lucky vic answerd most questions.
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