Sep 11, 2005 18:12
i went to the grocery store for the 3rd time today since i moved out. steph thought this was ridiculous, but i felt a smidge more independent b/c i signed up for my own albertson's card. food is so expensive there, but i hate walmart, so, i guess i'll do my small part and be willing to spend more money at albertson's than shop at walmart. i really think they should be boycotted, but no one would listen to me or anyone else that said that. what's scary is, without walmart, i think pensacola, possibly the u.s., would be chaos b/c 90% of people wouldn't know what to do with their time.
p.s.- a person i know had their 5 month old baby in an outfit that read "walmart shopper in training." that really bothered me. walmart bad for our economy and environment in so many ways, and people love it. it's a freaking cheap store people. get over it.
i don't want anyone to think i look down on the people that shop at walmart. i sometimes have, and my family and friends do a lot. it is an inexpensive place that's very convenient. i just get angry that all of the other grocery stores have to jack up their prices b/c not one shops there. if walmart weren't trying to become a monopoly, the other stores would actually be able to compete with them. also, have you ever noticed how cheap the great value brand is? and how expensive the other brands are? the prices at other grocery stores are a lot closer together. in albertson's today they had a message over the intercom that said they tried to sell american-made products. walmart used to be that way, until sam walton died and now almost everything they have is imported. this is why their own brand is so cheap. cheap labor.
what i've learned from walmart:
exploiting workers and your own economy = success
building stores on wetlands = legal if you have enough money
there is the point that it provides jobs for a lot of people, but it really takes them away b/c they use imports. if they actually tried to buy domestic products, we would need more people to make those things. there would also be more competition so therefor more locally owned stores, which would also provide jobs and more money going into communities, benefitting every one.
i am now stepping off of my soapbox.