I'm still shocked that Prop 8 was passed.
It's disappointing to know that practically half of this huge state is so narrow-minded and would dare vote yes.
Majority is from church goers. I have no problem with religion, but that's not what this is about. I go to church myself, but I also want everyone's futures to have the same opportunity. Some of you people may say "Prop 8 is passed. It's over. Stop fighting it already."
I'm not fighting it. :/
I'm just expressing how much my faith in "The land of Opportunity" has been destroyed.
I hope, to all of you Yes on Prop 8 voters, that you know that you just ruined peoples' lives.
My friend is homosexual and has already put up with your damn comments like "Fag" and "Man-humper". They look at their future with optimism and still dares to fall in love even when everyone else deserts them.
But because of Prop 8, they can't marry the person they want to be with forever.
You just took away their rights as a human being to be happy.
Way to go, meanie. :(
Anyways, the reason that I'm FINALLY saying what I think is because of this video I watched on Youtube. It's a 9 minute short story but very touching about a man who told his Jewish grandmother that he was homosexual. They had a conflict throughout the video but he refused to give up and let go of the person he was in love with.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sVr0pMOd3bo I don't know if you'll enjoy it, but I really loved the video. Especially the last line.