the last post...and things to get done

Aug 12, 2009 10:30

sorry about that last post.  ...well, on second thought, I should clarify....I'm not sorry about the FUCK post....I needed to scream it, but I'm sorry it took so long to explain it to LJ.

So we're trying to buy a house.  I won't say where yet...I don't want to jinx it.  THe last time I was all...."oh....look at the house we're trying to get" got jinxed and we lost a bidding war.

So......the where will remain only with the few that I've told in person, at least until closing date.  But the FUCK was that after the bidding, counter bidding, acceptance, inspections and remodel estimates.....I got the well report.  The well water popped positive for total coliform and e.coli.   Hence the "FUCK!!!".

Yes, as most well owners will tell you, I KNOW I can just chlorinate the well and the e.coli will be killed.  But as a scientist I can assure you, that DOESN"T solve the problem.  YES, it solves the problem from a health standpoint.  You do want the bacteria killed before you drink it, BUT as a scientist who works with water and poo, killing the bacteria doesn't fix the problem of WHY its there.  WHY IS THERE POO BACTERIA IN THE WATER?

Yes, I can chlorinate and kill it.....but that's not gonna make me drink it.  It would be similar to if you had a cold and blew your snot into your cake batter and then baked it.  Sure, you've killed the one will get sick now from eating it.  But it doesn't change the fact that there are boogers in your cake.

So now we have a work-around though.  Because we do still want the house.....poo water and all.  We are having them shock treat the well which will get a negative test (it should if they did it correctly).  That will get us the loan and get us in there.  Then the first day, I will run a dye test.  If the test is positive, its likely the problem is a cracked well casing.  It will be about $2500 for a new casing install.  If it is negative then my original assumption is correct.....they installed the well wrong.  (they put the pump and casing only 2' below limestone instead of locating it lower in the well so I think it is pulling surface water in aroudn the bottom of the casing instead of getting groundwater..the well division at work agrees with me).  So if that's the case, we'll be digging and installing a new well which will run around 3-5K.

So now you know the rest of the story.  In cliffnotes.

Also, the remodel estimates are higher than I had hoped, so some of the things I wanted done prior to move-in will have to wait since we possibly are digging a new well and need the workshop re-wired (grandpa wired it himself, its is a fire hazard).  So I'm sad that I'll have to live with cheesy blue carpet instead of bamboo laminant.  And I'll have to come up with a 'hobo fix' of the weird wall issue that is perfectly structurally not an issue, but is an astetic issue in my book.   I might still get my bathtub though, so that is a happy thought.

On to the thigns to do: cause I'm having a hard time staying on target:

- pick up prescription
- call lawyer and get proper copy of Gary's divorce decree for the underwriters. (they're working on it and will call me back) I think I found a different work-around.  Scanned our sub-par copy differently and shall email that)
- call new school and make appointment with counselor to discuss Miranda's special needs and figure out what I need to register her. (appointment is Monday at 9am)
- get  copy of sales contract for registration at school Will have in my email box tomorrow
- call old school and ask why I didn't receive the IEP testing results and get a copy (They will have a copy ready for me to pick up Friday morning)
- call Dr and find out if they've written the prescrition out and the letter to start fighting the insurance company
- call Larry the electriction about why we haven't gotten the estimant yet (left message)
- Call Larry at work about new HASP format
- Work on HASP and QAPPs
- get Gary's sig on new disclosures and get them to Richard
- Take parking passes to the studio people
- check the book that Miranda wants to read for age-appropriateness and if its ok, check it out from library
- return overdue library books and pay fine
- research cheaper wall options
- update caches
- Call Brian at Sunrise
- Make pdf's of bank statements, 401k, divorce decree and LOE and email to loan guy
- Laundry, laundry, pack, pack, pack
- add to this as new stuff comes up
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