sad but true phobia

Apr 12, 2007 22:50

I'm Hobophobia!

You're Hobophobia, the fear of hobos, bums and beggars!

What's your obscure phobia?

Take Other Caffeine Nebula Quizzes

so today, i had to interview a pastor. it was odd. she kept switching the conversation to me, and i felt like she was probing into wanting to know if i was a virgin (i was interviewing her about her thoughts on the new HPV shot gardasil, so it wasn't a totally random progression). and then she started asking me about my life, which is fine, except she'd do that instead of answer my questions. whos interviewing who? and then she didn't want me to write down her answers, but see people, if someone says they want to interview you and quote you for a paper, THAT is when you say no.. you can't say yes and then after you've done the interview say that you want to see it before its published.... i'm not sure why (its a dumb rule,) but its apparently against newspaper code to show work before publication, i guess so writers cant be swayed from teh truth. good thing its not for a paper....she was a very nice lady, but then she asked if i was religious, and i said no just to avoid having to tell her the long story about what kind of religion i believe in (that doesn't involve a church...). so then she couldnt' tell me some things out of scripture because i wouldnt' understand them..( huh, well, i've read the bible at least 4 times through.... not a lot, but i know the stories...) and then when i left she said, 'this is odd, usually i pray with someone when they leave my office, but with you i can't." mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm sorry! but then later she emailed me and said if there was anything at all she could do for me, ANYTHING, please let her know(i got the feeling she was taking pitty on me and i needed help of some sort...maybe i do..she's also a mental health councilor), and that she wants 20 year olds to come to her church so i should start going.
*sigh*. I think she just tried to recruit me.

*sigh sigh* sad part is is that i could probably be pretty easily recruited, becuase i really think the songs are pretty when a bunch of random people sing together, plus that is inspiring. but as for god telling me to go to a dark building when i could be outside, i don't buy that. so i'd go to church for hte culture, but other than that, i really shouldn't be there, although i admit, churches are very awe inspiring godly places (probably becuase i was raised to believe i've been smacked for being bad in church, haha).

but anyway, now i have a really odd feeling in my gut from the whole experience. Thing is, I thinkn it would be hard to convert someone from their current religion, unless they want to be converted, so i think it's odd that she tried. (granted, she thinks i have no religion...but why would i want to be saved from that either? whats wrong with a different sort of non-religion? not that thats me, but whatever people want to believe and find strenght in believing, then thats what they should believe.)

just spent about 2 hours combing the streets with flashlights becuase i thought i lost my wallet outside and its supposed to snow....i found it inside abook however.

50% chance formal is canceled tomorrow night. SHIT. i was really looking forward to it. i hope they find a way to make it happen, i really really really need it. just to have some fun. lol

okay, thats about it. adios. :)
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