Apr 22, 2014 21:39
This is a site on which I can write anything I want. Fortunately it is not linked to my real name, my real personality, any of my friends, and hopefully will let me explore things in a free environment. I would like though to be supported and encouraged by being on LiveJournal.
I am very sad. I had a falling out with a friend that I am just now accepting and I still say it never needed to happen. :*(
Sadly I am confused about other friendships as well. And my job is tough.
But I get to choose who I am on here; I get to shape it. If I sound depressed and act depressed, ppl will see that side of me. If I am happy or at least show the happy side of me, people won't think that of me.
What a wonder.
I wish life were that easy...well, it can be in some ways from here on, but I wish I could influence that person's view of me to see 'Tout comprendre, c'est tout pardonner' and to try to trust me again that why I did what I did is really why and I just wanted to be trusted but..I cannot change others. It makes me sick and sad.
I must write happy things on here. If I write at all, I must endeavor this. For those are the things which will sustain and encourage the soul.