i need to pass some time..

Nov 11, 2006 04:04

composing.. it seems like such a new concept to me, yet all of a sudden it seems to be so important in my life.. its really exhilarating..  but i wonder if i will ever run out of ideas? thats a interesting concept too, running out of ideas.. i wonder if there really is a limit? i mean new ideas come from discoveries, and there is not only so much you can discover because there are new discoveries made by others so often that it would be impossible to keep up. but suppose those others ran out of things to discover? then would there be a limit to how many new ideas we could have? i dont think so either.. anyway, i finished writing a piece today.. a fantasie. its rather short, less than 2 minutes, but good nonetheless. i really like the ending. if i could figure out how to put files on livejournal, i would let anybody interested listen to it, but i dont think livejournal is capable of that. i tried.. i skipped math class writing it.. but if i hadnt, i might have forgotten what i was to write for perhaps the prettiest part of the piece.. i skipped an unnecessary class to do something that would benefit my life.. why does that stress me and everyone else out? why do they make that class matter, why cant i just drop the class? this world never makes any sense. pisses me off. mankind cant run themselves. we're too imperfect. without any single doubt. one doesnt even need a bible to tell them that much. its so obvious.. but the reasons behind it.. ugh. stupidity. anyway, im listening to my piece on repeat.. but its annoying the hell out of me because i forgot to re-write two measures between a transition, and now the chords dont make sense together.. yep, there it was. crap. ill fix it when i get back to school.. which reminds me of yet another problem.. how do i expect to get into college for compositon if i dont have the devices necessary to compose? i guess i dont have to rely fully on technology, but really thats only when it comes to piano.. because i really dont have any other instruments, and i dont have to experience to know whether or not two instruments will sound together before i actually hear them.. let alone harmonies.

i dont know who im talking to.
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