Almost done!

May 31, 2011 13:52

SEAF went great and far exceeded my expectations. I got so many great compliments about the art walls, the layout and the art itself that I think it's ok to rest on those laurels. Only 2 artists complained about their positioning and one I was able to move and fix the situation. The other, well, I can't be responsible for other artist's camping in front of their pieces and gathering all their friends around them making it hard for people to view the neighbouring art. I wish I had been told about it during the evening, when I could have asked them to circulate. I will take that into account next year when I do placement, though. Nothing interactive in a "cul-de-sac" or corner.

We had a ton of male centered art this year and so many female artists! I am really proud of the outreach I did (with the mighty help of K, whose LJ account I can't find) by announcing the call for art in as many art programs and schools as possible. She and I contacted the heads of art departments all over the pacific northwest and also a smattering of schools from each state. My summer project is going to be to extend that list so that we reach more than 3 or 4 school in each state and hopefully extend to Canada and Mexico. If I could figure out how to search for alumni organizations, I think that would be a great way to reach more seasoned artists, too.

Only one piece of art was lost in transit and I feel very bad for the artist as he got a confirmation of delivery that was incorrect. We never got it. Finally, after many phone calls insisting on who signed for the art, the shipper admitted the package was technically listed as "in transit" still. I am going to see what I can do so that artist can be a part of next year's show.

The shipping back part is going fairly smoothly. I have been emailing notices of who sold what and when packages will arrive home. This is probably the most fun and time consuming part of the after jobs.

I'm already thinking of things for next year. That's a good sign, yes?
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