Jul 17, 2009 22:09
I've got an interview with MGH next Tuesday! 8:15am sharp. I've met with the lady I'm going to interview with already, and she seems to like me. I'm going for cardiographic service, or EKG. I'll be the guy sticking sticky pads all over you to get a graph that tells cardiologists all about your heart. Hopefully.
I'm now into Warhammer 40k. Big time. It appeals to me that no other nerdy hobby does. And I think it's because of the painting and the modeling. I really can put some creative juices into painting an army, which you can't really do with a lot of other things. I tried playing Magic. I really did. But what really turned me off about it was the people that played it (Mike and Amy excluded from that list). They just seemed to be pompous, stuck up nerds that really looked down on you if you didn't play a card right, or that your deck has one card missing from it, or you have a crappy deck because you don't have the cash to shell out for a net-deck.
I was just at the local card shop yesterday where one nerd (the "dominant asshole nerd") was picking on what I can only assume was a nerd that was new to the game. He was berating the guy because he wanted to use a card in his deck. Let's call the card "Fartstorm."
Bully Nerd: "WHAT!? You want to put FARTSTORM in your deck?!?"
Weak Nerd: "Yeah, it's like Fartcloud, but better. You only have to pay more mana"
Weak Nerd: ...
Bully Nerd: *jerks off*
I wanted to tell that guy off so bad. But I didn't. I got 12 D6 for 6 bucks, which was a pretty bad deal, but I needed my own.
I think 40k players are a little more civil. A little less Dorito crumbs in the beard. A little older than Magic players. A little more money and patience because 40k costs a shit ton and takes a lot of time. Sure you can be creative in Magic, but that generally leads to you losing because everyone else has decks that they copied off the grand champion. Needless to say, if I'm going to play Magic, it's going to be online.
At least that's my first impression. Every video I've seen on youtube or miniwargamer.com or forum, everyone's nice and everyone's having a shit ton of fun. There would be a guy doing a battle report on a table in a convention and you'd hear a huge "WAAAAAAAAAAGH!" in the background. Everyone's involved, even the spectators! Even if you don't know the rules, you can see what's happening. "Oh, I've got to take a dangerous terrain test" and they roll some dice, even though you don't know what the dice mean, you know what dangerous terrain is, and the models going over it are probably in danger! It's pretty intuitive. Gah, you can probably visibly see my boner for 40k poking through this journal.
I guess basically what I'm saying is 40k is the next step in my nerd-dom.
Also, Red Faction: Guerrilla is totally sweet. THAT IS ALL.