Ceres Wunderkind is 54 years old and lives in Oakingham with his wife Frau Wunderkind and their son Minor. Ceres also goes by the name Peter. Ceres is very tall and sometimes has a beard. Peter likes pandas but often does strange things with them like putting them in nooses, tying them up, making them do war with the Brown Bears and all kinds of equally disturbing and, to be honest. endearing things. He once went on webcam with me and Eleanor to show us some of his pandas. That's definitely not a euphemism. He's far too much of a gentleman for that. He has lots of pandas - collects them, you see.
Peter's wife, FW, is a singer and Peter often records her singing and shows them to us young sraffies. Ceres shares a birthday with Kate and Eleanor and, apparently, also with FW. He's a busy birthday boy. Ceres is the undisputed king of the HDM fanfictions. I shan't claim that those are my words - that's how Rosie first introduced him. I feel bad in admitting that I don't read fanfiction because I know his are probably really good. Ralphie just described him as "the HDM community's alternate history encyclopaedia".
Ceres has been filming for the Great Edwardian Roadshow recently and will be writing about it in his livejournal
I heart Ceres
Side note: from now on, I shall put a link to each sraffie's livejournal if they have one.