Once again there are lots of crazy people on the metro. Yesterday I encountered a guy who was trying to do long arm pushups on the train. He'd do one and then lay down on the dirty ground and then record things on this peice of paper he had with him. And there was some other guy ranting and raving about the war, Bush, when it's okay to use the n-word and a bunch of other stuff. I was ignoring him and reading my book but two other women near me were getting really annoyed by this dude's brand of crazy. One of them even jokingly accued me that my book (
World War Z, ) set him off. Whatever lady. I finished said book and am now reading about Alexander the Great's eunuch lover. No idea what kind of ranting that might inspire.
I've been neglecting this journal but thus far married life feels somewhat like unmarried living in sin together life except we call eachother husband and wife and it feels all weird and wonderful at the same time. We are totally slacking on finshing off our thank you notes and we have received an absurd amount of crap including a fancy glass bowl with this artsy design that vomit. Just what I wanted! Thanks!
In other news Mr. C (hah) and I are taking some freinds to see
monklike do his squire thing at VARF. We invited some freinds to enjoy the Ren Life. One guy is planning to dress up as a monk. (hah) but we had a conversation about why monks would be wandering out in the open at an Elizabethan era Festival (The MD one is during Henry the 8th's reign and they cycle through all of his wives. This year it's Catherine Howard's turn) We were joking that since my character is a secret Jew, and Mr. C is an upwardly mobile peasent thanks to his wife's connections to moneylending) the monk character is a rogue monk trying to reform us both. Should be some fun times.