PRESENTS! :D and Gwennie Lou :D

Apr 09, 2008 09:16

I got some presents today, courtesty of
skybear85. SO unbelievably sweet!

NO, it's not beef, haha. She knew better! :) She sent me some chicken, potatoes au gratin, and CHEEEEESSEEECAKE! Haha. Is it bad that this is the thing i'm MOST excited about? I haven't really treated myself in a while, haha. :)

So Miss Katie, THANK YOU SO MUCH!! :) So incredibly thoughtful. :)

I love that my cats are so easily amused by cheap things. Behold, the fun of Gwendolyn and Riiiiiiiiiiicccoooooolaaaaaaaa!

Anticipating future lolcats would be wise.

gwen, shout-outs, gifts, pics

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