Apr 02, 2008 21:50
Ramiele got voted off before Kristi Lee? WTF, mate? She has so much more spunk. Boo. Kristi must be REALLY good and doing what she's doing to stay on. hahahaha.
So, I didn't sleep again last night... slept really well after about 6am, but since my alarm was set for 8 that didn't do me much good... i hit snooze too many times so i couldn't get to work early enough to do the paperwork and money in time for my eye exam, so i cancelled the eye exam. Still made it to my dentist appointment... got the cavity between my front teeth filled, it looks great. No more shadow. I was so relieved. And i LOVE the dentist and assistant i requested for this, so i was quite pleased. Then i hung out at Burbank, waiting to get my shot. Saw fellow barkeep Allison really briefly... i was waiting and had my nose in a crossword book and she say hi as she went by. Then i came home, slept for about a half hour, and did some cleaning. Cleaned my kitchen counter, and the KitchenAid, toaster, coffeemaker. Ran the dishwasher. SHOULD'VE done laundry, especially a bleach load. I do a bleach load like once or twice a year. Oh well, i'll do it Friday.
Put up a bunch of books on craigslist. Need the money, pretty desperately. I already have more credits on frugalreader than i know what to do with, so i'll sell some of the ones i recently got on CL in hopes of cash. *sigh*
Now i'm working on finishing the bottle of 3 Blind Moose merlot. I'm such a lightweight, don't know if i'll finish it tonight... but hopefully i've had enough to insure against insomnia.
Tomorrow is back to work. How exciting. Notsomuch.
cat bite,