Well it's December now.

Dec 02, 2010 01:14

Here's a little status update for you guys.

I've had cancer three times since May. Had surgery to remove the unwanted little passengers. Fuck cancer. Had it once in May, once in July, and just had another blight removed like...yesterday. So I'm in a load of pain right now, yes.

Had Lasik eye surgery in June, which was awesome and painful.

Adopted a corn snake, Charlie.
Adopted a Kingsnake, Odin, who very unfortunately died a few months later due to complications of a jaw injury.
Adopted another corn snake after Odin died. Garrus Jones the Diamond Thief (and you must say his whole name). He is doing very well.

I have stopped college-ing, in favor of....well nothing, actually. It's depressing. I'm working on my Bucket List, and I have a holiday job at the local GameStop. That's my life.

So yes. Cancer, snakes, boredom, and lists.

The End.

(also I have developed a crippling addiction to Captain America/Deadpool slash. It's ridiculous. But it WORKS.)
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